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6th October 2018, 12:43
Hi, Rusty!
Have I never told you about the "dancing ladies" before, Rusty?
They are produced when it rains heavily the rain hits the ground (say a pavement; it wouldn't work on grass) the water is splayed out to produce a ballerina with a flouncy skirt......
I think this is a Northern thing (maybe just NW England?) one here seems to have heard of cousin knew what I meant though.
It was a well- used expression when we were young!
Isn't it your birthday tomorrow?
Are you off to the Pine Cone with the girls?
23181 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th October 2018, 12:52
Hello, Elle!
No, "dancing ladies" is new to me, apart from the Prime Minister!
But, I can visualise what you mean.
I am going to Pine Cone tomorrow with several grandchildren, but not sure how many or who is all driving etc.
I do not bother with my birthday anymore.
I am well into my eighth decade and just happy to be here at all!
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6th October 2018, 13:24
Hello Elle and Rusty,

I am going to make you envious I think...... weather yesterday and today was/is gorgeous, with shortsleeve tshirt in order!
I won't bore you with the temps, but they are high....! I don't think
it will last so I am about to walk down town again. Enjoyed a sunny
market yesterday.

I love this heavy research I have to do for each of the clues - most
of the words are totally unknown to me, and some of the words
in the cryptic clue itself are also unknown, so it's a matter of understanding the clue before I can even attempt to find the answer!

You are right to spread it over the month Elle - it is no good rushing
it as you might do for the everyday puzzle - it is not that sort of
puzzle, at least not for me - I am sure some genius might do it
in the day, but since there is only one a month, why rush it?

Very satisfying to find an answer though, don't you think?
23183 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th October 2018, 13:35
Hi, Rusty!
Substitute "glad" for "happy", and Pollyanna would be proud of you!
But I like birthdays.....
I am down to only three parses remaining now...
Can you tell me please ... in 26a... does peeping = cheeping = mimicking, go towards giving "Peeping Tom" (where tom is cat)?
It must do?
That only leaves me to parse 25a: Fianna Fail = ( Irish Republican ) party (def)
And 8d : nerve = bottle (def)
But cannot see the rest?
Still raining heavily.....
23184 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th October 2018, 14:11
Hello, Elle!
25, Fianna Fail. Is Formula One is abbreviated to "F1", founder is "fail", and the girl is "Anna".
8d, For me, it is a message/signal travels along a nerve to/from a brain to a toe or other body part.
Not quite sure how "sensibly" fits in, though you "sense" nerve pain etc. What think you?
26, is a mystery.
Tom is a cat, but "Peeping"?
A "peeper" can be a young bird, but I can not twig "mimicking"?
I think this setter knows things that I don't!
I am not fond of birthdays etc, although I have some Christmas cards on display all year round.
Why? Because I like them and they are from my family.
23185 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th October 2018, 15:39
Hello again! Had a nice time in town!

Now, I wonder if this will work, re. 'peeping bird'

Does it help? That's what I used for my parsing anyway, rightly or
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6th October 2018, 15:41
Hi, Rusty!
Re 25a: I was thinking of "founder" as someone who started something; caused something to be built.
So no wonder I couldn't get that!
8d: Collins Online Dictionary gives " Nerves are long thin fibres that transmit messages between your brain and other parts of your body".
So you are spot on with that..... Well done!
I could understand "sensory" being used?
but cannot see where "sensibly" fits in?....
Ah well.... apart from reservations about "Peeping Tom," I can put the crossword to bed now...thank you again!
Just about to don cagoule and wellies and pop out (briefly) with the dog!

Hello, Pigale!
Yes, I agree - there is much satisfaction in finding an answer to the Monthly- it is a totally different kind of puzzle, isn't it?
Hint for is a good old Northern word!
You may well have heard me use it.......
23187 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th October 2018, 16:08
Hello, Elle!
I have been trying to get to the bottom of "sensibly".
Chambers has "sensitive" as a meaning of "sensible".
Could one be "sensible" to pain?
Or is it only "sensitive" to pain?
It has "sensible" as "perceptive by sense" and "having the power of sensation".
Is that not what "nerves" have?
I think I am quite happy with the parse we have, Elle?
Not happy with the "mimicking bird" though.
I am going to dig into this later on today!
23188 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th October 2018, 17:24
Hello Elle!

Thanks for the hint ..... is it for today's crossword or for the
Not that it makes any difference as, at present, I am stuck on both!

Will leave it till either later tonight, or tomorrow morning.
23189 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th October 2018, 17:35
Hi, Rusty!
I honestly don't know, Rusty......
8d: Sensory" means "relating to sensation or the physical senses; transmitted or perceived by the senses".
I am not convinced at all by "sensible"....
26a: I wonder if the "mimicking" is meant to refer to the bird...or to the cat?
The sentence is somewhat ambiguous?
Not that I am any nearer to a solution either way....
Let me know if you come up with the answer!
Any word from your friends?
Have they reached home yet?

Hello, Pigale!
The hint is for the Monthly.....I am sorry if I didn't make that clear.
I think your friend Jeremy will know it?
23190 of 30765  -   Report This Post