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7th October 2018, 21:48
Hi, Rusty!
Update to my earlier post......( you'll have to scroll down a bit to find that one!)
I managed to trace David Weir, and he did take part in the wheelchair race and came third!
Thankfully, the family up north are all well.
My cousin and I talked for our full hour...and then some!
I am reading a second Henning Mankell book now...
I keep being tempted when I am supposed to be throwing books out......
My pile of books "to be read again just one more time" is growing!
Oh dear!
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7th October 2018, 21:54
Elle, I was pleased to see the Times Monthly puzzle as there have been several mentions of it here and there. I could see why some solvers would like it... but not me! I have the same view on Azed in the Observer, I've never worked up any enthusiasm for that one either. I can - and do - enjoy the work and craft that's gone into it, but I've never really enjoyed the solving aspect. I do think it's quite interesting that solvers' experiences can be so different.
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8th October 2018, 06:11
Good morning, Elle!
A fine dry start to the day, I think.
Still dark out!
David Weir done well at Chicago.
I think "book clearances" can be difficult!
Maybe outside help is needed for effectiveness?
I have one or two things to do today.
A bit of driving involved.
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8th October 2018, 10:33
Good morning, Rusty!
A greyish morning as yet, and cold.
I needed a padded jacket on my early morning walk.
But we have sunshine promised for later.
Yes, it is hard making decisions as to which books to keep... and which to "let go"...
But these are MY decisions.....
There is no way I am letting "outside help" anywhere near my precious books!
I would keep all of them had I the space.
I am "sorting" to save myself from becoming a "hoarder" who has piles of books lining the staircase...!
You sound as though you have a busy day ahead?
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8th October 2018, 11:19
Hello, Elle!
Steady rain here!
Why keep books you will not read again?
Move 'em out, as Gil Favor would say!
I have completed most of my tasks.
I had to go to a TESCO store to return stuff.
Very helpful staff there!
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8th October 2018, 12:26
Hi, Rusty!
Yeah..."Keep them dogies movin".....
You are very efficient if you have already nearly finished all your jobs!
I started hoovering - visitors for coffee tomorrow! - but was interrupted by friends unexpectedly dropping in today!
So they got the 'unhoovered version' of my lounge!
All done now though!
I am thinking of homemade vegetable soup for our lunch...too cold for just a yoghurt!
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8th October 2018, 13:21
Hello, Elle!
"Rawhide" was a great series!
I liked Gil Favor!
The actor who played him, Eric Fleming, was drowned while making a film in South America, you know.
A canoe he was in overturned and he was swept away in a river with piranhas in it.
My main task was tackling the customer service folks at TESCO, but they were helpfulness personified.
I make carrot and bacon soup. It's fine!
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8th October 2018, 15:39
Hi, Rusty!
I have been traipsing down Memory Lane......
(Would, though, that "memory" worked a little better!)
"Rawhide" was a very long time ago....!
As with "Perry Mason", I am thinking back to when I was a child......
I can remember very few details about the programme ......mainly the theme tune and the word "Rawhide" resounds through my head!
I did not know the circumstances of Eric Fleming's death - I don't think "Fleming" was his real name?
I cannot picture the character Gil Favor, either, although of course I remember the name.
I tend - in my dotage- to muddle "Rawhide "with "Wagon Train" ....Ward Bond...again around the same era.
I also used to watch "Bonanza"...the character Ben Cartwright and his sons on the Ponderosa ranch.
Ah, nostalgia indeed!

It is me...or is the crossword 'difficult' today?
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8th October 2018, 15:51
Wasn't a very young Clint Eastwood in Rawhide? Rowdy Yates?
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8th October 2018, 15:59
Yes, Chris!
I think "Rowdy Yates" was Clint Eastwood's first starring role?
There seemed to be a lifetime (mine!) between that and "Dirty Harry"!
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