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3rd October 2018, 22:51
Hello, Elle!
Julia came across as a lovely natured lady.
I took to her instantly.
To be honest, Elle, I had only the vaguest notion of something called "The Gruffalo", and then Julia turned up at the Library, and made my day!
She was great reading her stories, too!
There is an actor on next week, whose name I have forgotten, but who I believe was in "Downton Abbey", which I never watched.
I have a vague memory of Perry Mason.
He was the lad who never lost a case?
And Della Street was his secretary?
No, I never read the books.
Seems like a long long time ago!
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3rd October 2018, 23:22
Update, Elle!
Here is the trailer (very brief) of Julia Donaldson's visit to "Treasures of the British Library".
What a very nice lady!
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4th October 2018, 09:56
Good morning, Rusty!
A damp - drizzly - day here, and none too warm.
I returned home after my walk with a rather poggy dog!
Yes, Julia seemed very pleasant...and I loved her little giggle.
I was but a child when the Perry Mason series was on television!
Yes, Delia Street was his secretary and Perry would explain everything to her (and the viewers) at the very end.
My friend and I used to go to each other's house in turn .....and watch it together!
I remember the green and white penguin books, written by Erle Stanley Gardner.
Let's see if this link works
Your son is coming today, isn't he, to help with your jobs?
23153 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th October 2018, 11:01
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here!
Yes, your link worked!
Della Street was played by Barbara Hale in the TV series.
She died last year, aged 95.
My son has been and gone.
Done the jobs and fixed my phone, too!
So, a good morning's work completed!
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4th October 2018, 12:07
Hi, Rusty!
Well done, your son!
That was all very quickly accomplished.
What had been wrong with your phone?
I've nearly finished the crossword ....two clues that I cannot do...and one I cannot fully parse...
I shall put them aside to "8d" on!
23155 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th October 2018, 13:23
Hello Elle and Rusty!

Long time no 'write'! Hope you are both well; I am okay, but did
not feel much like 'talking' recently. Slightly difficult time of the
year coming for me.

But never mind this - What have you both been up to recently?
Anything exciting, out of the ordinary of everyday life?

France is once again saddened - After the death of our national JohnnyHallyday ( you may have heard of him?), we have now lost one ofour most popular star, renowned at international level :

CHARLES AZNAVOUR left us at the great age of 94! Three days before he gave an interview on TV and appeared relaxed and happy, and even gently took the mickey out of one our ex-minister!
December last year he gave a concert in one of our largest concert
hall in Paris - he was 93!

But you probably know all this?
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4th October 2018, 15:01
Hello, Pigale!
How lovely to hear from you!
We had missed you and were wondering how you were?
I am glad that all is basically well, but understand that this is, of course, a bad time of year for you
I hope things will soon improve a little.
I haven't been up to much really - occupied, yes..... gainfully employed, no!
My main objective has been sorting out all my very many books.....
I think - at this rate- I shall be a great provider towards the new roof for my friend's church!
She is having a weekly book sale on the church premises every Saturday to help provide funds.......
So far I have provided nine cartons of books!
Other than this, I have been spending time with the grandchildren (those who live relatively locally )
You know of my potential new football career?
BB is well pleased with me!
No, I hadn't heard that Charles Aznavour had died.
I liked him.
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4th October 2018, 15:16
Hello, Elle!
My son "decluttered" my 'phone.
It had being going a bit slow. The memory was quite full.
There has has been a good improvement since he fixed it.
I have not looked at my puzzle today.
Maybe later.
23158 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th October 2018, 15:20
Good afternoon, Pigale!
Nice to hear from you!
All fine here.
I hope you get through your difficult time OK.
Yes, it was sad to hear about Charles Aznavour.
He reached a good age, though!
23159 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th October 2018, 16:20
Hi, Rusty!
Our day has brightened up!
No more drizzly rain and even a little sunshine!
I have not been out far this afternoon, though, as I wanted to be home when my daughter rings very shortly on her way home.......
And I also have a delivery coming from my local pet shop.
Have you done your puzzle yet?
I have got no forrader than before.......
And I always thought that one spelt "loth" as such, and not with an added "a" (loath)?
But I have discovered that both versions are correct!
23160 of 30765  -   Report This Post