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6th October 2018, 23:30
Hi, Rusty!
Sorry...I fell asleep!
Book on the floor.....specs though still on my head at least I didn't have to look for them again!
It is disappointing - and annoying - that we cannot see the Chicago Marathon...
I'm not expecting to have any more Sport to watch now, until Spring!
What were you doing in 25 across?
That is one of the clues I have answered!
I have only five left to do now....but still some parses to sort out!
I'm liking the puzzle - it is different from anything I have attempted before.
23201 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th October 2018, 07:13
Good morning, Elle!
Seems dry outside!
I used to live near 25a when I was young.
I can remember very little about it, though.
Same with the towns in that neck of the woods.
I remember the names but very little of what they were like.
This "streaming" of sporting events is getting to be more common nowadays.
The US Open tennis was the same.
I suppose that is the way it will be in the future!
23202 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th October 2018, 09:28
Good morning, Rusty!
And Happy Birthday!
Yes, a beautiful morning here, too.
It is very cold out, but brisk and invigorating walking weather.
Just how I like it!
I object strongly to paying to watch a Sports programme......especially if the service offered is as poor as was EuroSport Player last year.
But if it means that is the only way to watch tennis and athletics, I may have to rethink our programmes provision, in the future.
You will be looking forward to your outing to the Pine Cone with your grandchildren.......
What time are you being collected?
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7th October 2018, 09:38
Thank you kindly, Elle!
I do not really celebrate my birthday, but I am going out with my granddaughters later this morning, at 11ish !
I am not paying for streaming sports, too.
I have Sky Sports, BT Sports, and Eurosport, and that is more than enough!
Apart from the golf, I could cheerfully do without SkySports.
I used to like watching some football but not any more.
Though yesterday I watched a bit of the England v Brazil women's game, and it was a breath of fresh air.
Two honest teams playing with skill and endeavour and NO cheating and conning the referee.
Well done, the ladies!
23204 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th October 2018, 10:27
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I am sure that the girls will want to celebrate your birthday!
If you are lucky, they may even let you pay!
Seriously, though, it is nice to celebrate special occasions with family, and friends
Now, unlike you, we do not have additional Sports channels , and are dependent on the BBC and ITV for whatever we wish to watch.
I am reluctant to pay ....but would not want to be without the tennis and may have to rethink the situation at some point?
I have finished the Everyman and am halfway through the ST Cryptic.......
Enjoy your outing!
23205 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th October 2018, 11:42
Hello Rusty (and Elle)

I have just seen Elle's post, and would like to join in to offer my
very best wishes on your Special Day! Hope you enjoy your
outing with 'the girls'!

25a is a long way away from where you live!

I am glad that you did not actually given the answer though, as
it is still early in the month and folks would probably prefer
not to see clues discussed before the end of the month.

Having said that, it is either somewhat easier than some previous
ones, or I am getting used to them, because I certainly will not
need a month to finish it!

Anyway, once again, hope you have a great birthday.

23206 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th October 2018, 12:34
Hello, Elle!
Just home!
Four granddaughters and me had a nice time at Pine Cone!
They even offered to pay, but I said "no"!
The waitresses made me a little cake with one candle on it!
I won't be paying for any more sport, Elle, I may even cut back on Sky Sports if possible, if I can keep the golf.
And I like Eurosport for cycling, athletics, and Alpine skiing.
Good luck with your puzzles!
23207 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th October 2018, 12:39
Good day, Pigale!
Thank you very much for your good wishes!
I had a nice time with the young ones and the waitresses sang "Happy Birthday" to me!
25a, shall be "nameless"!
I lived near there over 50 years ago, so my memories of it and surrounding area, are very dim!
I downloaded the puzzle, but it is very difficult to get it working properly on my screen.
Yet, I have no problem with the daily puzzle.
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7th October 2018, 13:09
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, that was good......all four granddaughters going along with you!
You see, I told you they would all want to celebrate with you!
What a lovely thought to have a cake with a candle....
Did you make a wish when you blew it out?
Remember, you mustn't tell anyone what you wished for ............. it has to remain a secret, or it will never come to pass!
And how great to have everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to you!
I finished the crosswords.....or all that I plan to do anyway!

P.S What do we do about the long spam stuck on here?
How do we report it?

Hello, Pigale!
I hope you are having a nice day?
Yes, it is a good idea of yours to remind everyone not to give answers to the Times Monthly until the period is up!
It would be a pity were it to echo what inevitably happens with the Rainbow Quizzes!
23209 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th October 2018, 13:43
Hello, Elle!
We had a nice time!
It was the first birthday cake I have had.
Maybe that was why there was one candle on it.
I wished silently!
I do not see any spam on here, Elle?
Perhaps Norah has zapped it?
23210 of 30765  -   Report This Post