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7th October 2018, 13:45
Hello again!

Glad you had some nice celebration at Pine Cones with four
grand-daughters! It goes to show how much they love their grand-dad!

Yes Elle, my day so far is not too bad AND the sun has come out - so
that pleases me no end!

I did report the long spam but by the time I came back on the thread
it had gone! Obviously Norah was very efficient as usual.

Are you meeting up with your family later Elle?
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7th October 2018, 14:40
Hi, Rusty!
We always make an occasion of family birthdays and have a small cake .....with a discretionary number of candles if necessary!!
It helps marks the occasion!
I am so glad you all enjoyed yourselves.
Yes, Norah must have got rid of the was certainly a lengthy one...following right on from your previous post.
Right....the sun is still shining here, and so we are heading out for another walk whist we can still take advantage of it.
Talk more when I get back......

Hello again, Pigale!
I am glad you are enjoying the sunshine.
It is lovely here too but cold.
Fleece weather!
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7th October 2018, 18:02
Hello, Elle!
We had a fine time!
My granddaughters are great company!
I am a very lucky old Granddad!
Mo Farah has won Chicago Marathon.
Brigid Koskei won the women's race.
It's a wee bit wet here this afternoon.
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7th October 2018, 18:44
Good evening, Rusty!
Yes, you are indeed fortunate to have such loving granddaughters... ..
But then I think they are very lucky, too, in having such a kind and caring granddad!
It works both ways!
I am glad for Mo that he won the Chicago Marathon.
I wonder how his old training partner, Galen Rupp - who won it last year- got on?
I am not surprised to hear that Brigid Koskei won the Elite Women's race....... although I do not know who else was competing?
How did David Weir do in the wheelchair race?
We have had a lovely afternoon.
It was chilly out, but no sign of the rain or fog that has haunted us over the last few days
It is fast growing dark already, now.
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7th October 2018, 18:57
Hello, Elle!
Mo looks the real deal in the marathon, now!
Daniel Romanchuk won the wheelchair event, but I do not know if David Weir was competing?
Yes, early dark now!
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7th October 2018, 19:18
Rusty, am I allowed to say 'Happy birthday auld yin'? Oops, too late! Hope you've had the kind of birthday you'd have chosen - ie not too much fuss and palaver.

PS for Rusty, Elle and Pigaleā€¦ someone kindly sent me a copy of the Times Monthly puzzle and I tackled it this afternoon. Not only did I not enjoy it very much, I didn't get very far - my number of clues solved is in single figures! Although I think it's a very clever crossword, it's a little bit dry for me. I think this shows 'horses for courses' - some setters and solvers make a good match, some don't!
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7th October 2018, 19:30
Thank you, kindly, Malone!
The "auld yin" had a nice brunch with my granddaughters in a friendly cafe, and it was just perfect!
They even offered to pay!
The staff sang "Happy Birthday" at me, too!
At least you tried the Times Monthly Puzzle, Malone.
And if it's not for you, there are plenty others to tackle!
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7th October 2018, 19:30
Ah, thank you for that - the link worked fine.
Good to see Mo do so well!
His wife was pleased!!
I do not know Mosinet Geremew, who came second?
But Osako and Kipkemoi - 3rd and 4th - are familiar names to me.
Good to see Galen Rupp come fifth.
I was surprised though that Geoffrey Kirui only took sixth place.....
I had thought he was considered one of the favourites to win?
Well, I had best phone my cousin for our weekly chat.....
I think it is my turn!
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7th October 2018, 19:36
Rusty, that sounds the perfect level of birthday celebration. I think anything OTT would have had you heading for the hills!
I'm glad I got to see - and attempt - the Times Monthly Puzzle. Now I won't ever feel I'm missing out on something if it's discussed.
23219 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th October 2018, 21:29
Oops, sorry, Malone, for the delay in answering......I have only just seen your postscript.
No, I can quite see that the Times Monthly may not be for everyone.
I am sorry you did not enjoy it.
I rather relished the slight academic flavour, and enjoyed doing a bit of research.
"Rome wasn't built in a day" is a difficult puzzle.
I think this is a crossword to be tackled and appreciated over the allocated time span.
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