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4th October 2018, 21:18
Good evening, Elle!
All fine here!
I have had a busyish day.
But finished for the day, now.
Did your daughter call?
Your "loth" would be the way I spell it.
I have just finished my puzzle.
23161 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th October 2018, 21:46
Hi, Rusty!
Well, you can hopefully sit and relax now for a time before going to bed!
And at least all your tasks are finished.
Yes, my daughter phoned after work as was good to chat.
She was going out to dinner this evening with a friend, so her husband was in charge of giving the boys dinner and putting them to bed.
What did you think of the crossword?
I especially liked 13a: iguanodon; 18a: inordinately; and 19d: Diwali
I didn't know that "goatskin" could mean a "wine container".
And I couldn't do 25a: Leave a key in flat, half inside self-contained unit (8)
or 11d: Beer may be safe (3,2,3,4)
It took me a long time in 8d to see that "ruminate" was equivalent to "room in eight"!
23162 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th October 2018, 21:55
Hello, Elle!
You will be pleased to hear from your daughter!
I did not know a goatskin was a wine container, too.
Maybe in far off days.
Elle, for 25, I have "modulate".
Half of fl"at", in module/unit.
Think it is something to do with music.
11, was easy for me, as I used to drink cask ale.
"Out of the wood".
Proper beer is in wooden casks, and the phrase means to be out of trouble, or danger.
I liked "ruminate", Elle.
A good puzzle, today!
23163 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th October 2018, 22:17
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, thank you, Rusty.......I can now "put the crossword to bed", before I myself go to bed, so to speak!
Yes, I have heard of the phrase "out of the wood" meaning "safe/ out of danger" but not the reference to beer being in wooden casks.
And I couldn't see "modulate" at all.
Time for a hot drink before bed......and maybe reading another chapter of my book...
I am re- reading a Nevil Shute that I unearthed.....
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4th October 2018, 22:39
Hello, Elle!
At one time all beer came from wooden casks, but now there are metal and plastic casks in use.
I would not say "modulate" was a favourite clue of mine, but I did not devote great attention to the puzzle due to events of the day, here!
I have abandoned "New York"!
23165 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2018, 08:26
Good morning, Rusty!
We have thick fog here......there was no indication of this on the weather forecast for this morning.
I haven't gone out seemed senseless in the fog.
I have no fixed commitments for the day, so can take the dog out a bit later, when the weather improves.
What is it like in your neck of the woods?
You are wise to abandon "New York" if you are not enjoying reading it.
Guess what?
When I was book sorting, I found "The Thin Yellow Line"!
I was convinced that I had "binned" it.....I debated what to do, but decided to box it.......someone may well buy it...... and contribute to the church roof!
What are you up to today?
23166 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2018, 09:46
Good morning, Elle!
Lovely morning here, but cool!
Almost, but not quite, a nip in the air!
I think you are wise staying home until the fog lifts.
Not good for chests, I don't think, as I am sure you are well aware.
Far too much dialogue in "New York" for me.
Who on earth wants to read "conversations"!
So, I'll be giving it to PDSA.
"The Thin Yellow Line" is a very good book, though not for you, and someone will be happy to purchase it and help the church roof fund!
My old Mother would only read Catherine Cookson books!
I have no plans today.
Not long home from the shop.
23167 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2018, 11:01
Hi, Rusty!
Still foggy here, although not quite as dense....
I think I shall wait till afternoon to go out...I have plenty to do at home to keep me occupied this morning.
Dog and I have had an interim frolic in the garden......
I am with your mum in the reading of Catherine Cookson's books!
I really enjoy them!
I remember Catherine Cookson often saying "Why ask the road you know?" in her books........meaning why ask when you already know the answer....
I wonder was this an "original" Catherine Cookson expression........or did it derive elsewhere?
23168 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2018, 17:07
Update Rusty!
My Goodness, what a change in our day!
Come lunchtime, the fog had dispersed...the sky was bright blue.... and sun was shining brilliantly.
We downed tools immediately and went out......
We are just home again, having had a lovely time!
I didn't even get round to doing the crossword!
I hope you have had a pleasant day?
23169 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2018, 19:24
Good evening, Elle!
It's been a great day here, too.
I have had a quiet day at home.
Just finished my puzzle.
I liked it!
23170 of 30765  -   Report This Post