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1st October 2018, 20:14
Rusty, for 25 Across, my first thought was Homer Simpson! (And I don't know why, I've never seen a single episode.) I looked it up later and enlightened myself!
23101 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st October 2018, 20:33
Hello, Malone!
I never thought of him, and I have never watched, too!
The only cartoon I really watched was "Little Bear", with my granddaughters.
They loved it!
I thought it must be the Greek lad, or a homing pigeon.
I even pondered, "coo"!
A good clue, now we know the proverb.
Always learning!
23102 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st October 2018, 20:42
Hi, Rusty!
I think my knowledge of Homer stems from my schooldays!
At least I retained something of what I was taught in those far-off days!
Now can you help me with parsing 10 across, please?
Estimated cost of passage from St Paul, perhaps? (9)
I had forgotten that I had no explanation for my answer....
"Quotation" = estimated cost" (def)
What has St Paul to do with it?
I think I have everything else satisfactorily sorted !!
23103 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st October 2018, 20:50
Hello, Elle!
No Homer for me at school!
A homer is a job a tradesman does on the side!
Does not Paul be quoted from the Bible?
I think there are Pauline epistles etc.
That is only my take on it, I could well be adrift!
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1st October 2018, 20:54
Update, Elle!
St Paul is the capital of Minnesota but I do not think that is where the passage would be from, as in travelling?
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1st October 2018, 21:02
Late news - I've actually been to the Capitol Building in St. Paul - I think that Alison and I are probably unique in that our only stay in the USA was in Minneapolis (though we loved it)!

(We have changed planes in Houston, though - rather a nice airport, if that isn't a contradiction in terms.
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1st October 2018, 21:04
Sorry - I had meant to add that, apart from the possible "quotation from St Paul", I can't help with the parsing either...
23107 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st October 2018, 21:11
Maybe to St Paul is just an example of a quotation (from the Bible, not that I know anything much about it), perhaps the well-known one from 1, Corinthians about Faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love. Bit tenuous.

I think the Simpson film is hilarious (I used to see the half hour slots with the children, but the film is much funnier. There may be more than one for all I know!)
23108 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st October 2018, 21:12
Hi, Rusty!
I honestly don't know what is the answer to 10a?
You could well be right on either count!
Yes, passages from St Paul are quoted from the Bible...…
(but then why single out St Paul in particular?)
And equally I guess it could relate to St Paul in Minnesota?
I wonder if your man from YouTube might know?
I cannot remember his name?
Apart from this, it was a fairly straightforward puzzle!

Hello, Chris!
I didn't even know that St Paul is the capital of Minnesota....... so at least I've learned something from this clue!
23109 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st October 2018, 21:22
Hi elle
Minneapolis and St Paul are "twin cities". There isn't any countryside between them, though the Mississippi does divide them. (Rather like Buda and Pest?)
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