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7th May 2018, 21:09
Hi elle
"Loon" is the North American name for the birds that we call "divers" (as in "Great Northern Diver")
20861 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2018, 21:40
Hello, Elle!
It is warm!
I am just in.
I am surprised you have not heard of tipstaff.
15a is a good clue.
A loon is a North American bird, often called divers.
They are beautiful birds known for their lovely call.

I am a wee bit surprised you do not know them.
Were they not in "Chesapeake", or is my memory letting me down?

20862 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2018, 22:02
Hi, Rusty!
Have you been out for a walk?
It's really dark here by now.
I thought that a loon was a simple -minded person or maybe someone who is somewhat eccentric.
I did not know that it is also a bird.
And a very attractively marked bird at that, judging from the photograph that you sent.
I liked the sound of the bird calling.
I am not very well up in varieties of birds!
I cannot recall any loons in Chesapeake....had I done so, I would have known the answer.....
But there is such a lot of detail in Mr M's books.....I could well have forgotten.
Your memory is undoubtedly better than mine!

Hello, Chris!
Thank you....I ought to have checked the meaning of "loon" in Chambers, shouldn't I?
I knew it meant something similar to an idiot..... and didn't think of its perhaps having another meaning.
20863 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2018, 22:17
Hello, Elle!
No, I was out helping La Bamba, in a wee job she had to do for the FoodBank.
Then she wanted me to send her lots of photos I have in my 'phone.
So, busy, busy! Granddaughters !!!
Up in Aberdeen "loons" are young men or boys.
Girls are "quines"! Did you know?
It could well be another book I read that had a bit about the loons.
Maybe "Alaska", or one of Bill Bryson's.
20864 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2018, 22:39
Hi, Rusty!
Is the Foodbank a local charity?
How does it work?
Do folk donate food and then it be distributed to the poor or needy?
It is good that your granddaughter gives up her time to help out.
No, I didn't know that a "loon" is a young (Scottish) man?
I only knew it as a derisory term, meaning someone slightly stupid.
Nor have I heard of girls being called "quines" that a form of "queens"?
Otherwise, where does it come from?
I haven't been able to find it in my Chambers?
20865 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2018, 06:39
Elle, I know your Chambers isn't the best - in mine (revised 13th ed.) 'quine' is listed but just to say 'see 'quean'. Under 'quean' there's mention of 'in NE Scotland 'quine' is the ordinary word for a girl'.
20866 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2018, 07:16
Morning from the Dawn Spam Patrol...
20867 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2018, 07:36
Good morning, Malone!
Yes, the spammers are out in force today!
20868 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2018, 07:40
I'd need a Royal wedding type special, 16 page pullout, in Malone Times to cope with this morning's lot, Rusty! I've contacted Norah (site manager).
20869 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2018, 07:48
Good morning, Elle!
Lovely morning here.
The foodbank is to help folk with no money for food.
My Asda, for instance, takes donations of food, mainly tinned food, to help them.
They have a couple of trolleys for folk to donate a tin of something.
La Bamba helps with collections and helping the friends she has who are more involved.
Now, "loon" and "quine" are mainly Aberdeenshire words.
Not used in the rest of the country.
"Quine" is in my old Chambers, and in my Chambers app, and it comes from Old English "cwen", which became "queen".
20870 of 30765  -   Report This Post