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4th May 2018, 19:35
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I suppose it is rather a 'gruesome' song!
But it is one of the songs we would sing when sitting around a camp-fire, on the beach, say, when youth -hostelling........
I don't think we worried about the words.......we just belted it out!
Those were the days.....
I have just been watching "Eggheads".
There was a question about Laura Muir.
The challenger had to guess at the answer - obviously not an Athletics fan!
20821 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th May 2018, 22:19
Hello, Elle!
Youth hostelling brings back happy memories!
Are there still youth hostels, I wonder?
Laura is in the middle of her final exams.
Hope they are going well for her!
I hope we get a nice weekend.
Forecast is reasonable, anyway!
20822 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th May 2018, 10:10
Good morning, Rusty!
A glorious day here!
The temperature was already 15C when we went out for our walk. at 8 o'clock.
It promises to be 20C later on.
Yes, there are still youth hostels !
I doubt we would recognise them as such, though!
I believe they are vastly changed.
Family rooms are available, and individual smaller rooms for sharing , as well as the 'dormitories'.
Remember the old days of peeling potatoes and washing up ?
I am told there is a cafe nowadays.
A quiet day lies ahead of us...gardening and suchlike.
How about you?
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5th May 2018, 10:26
Good morning, Elle!
It is turning into a fine day here, too.
I remember as a teenage cyclist arriving at Ullapool hostel with my pals.
We were starving and skint.
No money for food.
So we asked the lads on the fishing boats on Loch Broom if they could spare us a fish or two.
We lived on mackerel for three days! Happy days!
I was out earlier but am home for the day!
I have the Tour de Yorkshire to watch and the Giro.
Also the 2000 Guineas at Newmarket and the Kentucky Derby is on tonight.
And I am going to try and find a "live stream" of the annual shareholders meeting of Berkshire Hathaway to see what Warren Buffett has to say.
Warren is another of my heroes!
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5th May 2018, 11:47
Hi, Rusty!
It sounds though you and your friends had great fun in your 'youth'!
I like mackerel.
When I was attending a Haematology Symposium in Aberdeen - and staying in University Halls of Residence - we went fishing in the sea one evening.
We took the fish back to the Halls to be cooked for us!
You are fortunate in having two types of racing ....cycling and horses - to watch today.
Mind is the first of the Diamond League events Doha, in Qatar.
But BBC2 is only providing an hour's viewing !
I am halfway through the 15 x 15 crossword is usual on a Saturday, I am finding it quite reasonable.
Have you done your puzzle yet?
20825 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th May 2018, 11:53
Hello, Elle!
My happiest days were on the bike with my clubmates!
Yes, I have finished my puzzle.
It's a good one!
12a, 17a,19a, 4d and 23d, are all new words to me.
But I got there!
20826 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th May 2018, 11:58
Hello again, Elle!
The answer to 7d puzzled me as I could not see a connection with Turkey.
Then I looked up Chambers and it became clear!
Something else I did not know!
20827 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th May 2018, 13:12
Hi, Rusty!
Now...I was puzzled by your reference to looked it up in Chambers!
I did not know that terminology either......but I'd quite happily put in "Norfolk" as there is a black turkey called the Norfolk turkey!
I have done all bar two clues......these have flummoxed me!
18d: Good hearing goes after Beethoven's fourth opus - or fifth? (3,4)
23d: Just over half of white wine in French dish (5)
I have done all the others - and have parsed them all too!
I liked today's puzzle.
I had a nice sense of satisfaction afterwards!
Very hot here now.....
20828 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th May 2018, 13:28
Hello, Elle!
18, I have "top gear", " t op g ear".
23, I have " saute(erne)"
It is quite dull here.
The sun has gone!
20829 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th May 2018, 13:30
Sorry, Elle.
Can't spell!
The wine is Sauternes.
20830 of 30765  -   Report This Post