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5th May 2018, 21:27
Hi, Rusty!
Well...I thought that, overall, BGT was a good show this week!
There were a few bad acts quickly buzzed off...but some excellent talent, too!
A wide range of diversities!
I have made a note of my favourites.
But I shall say no more until you have watched it for yourself tomorrow!
I do not want to spoil it for you.
I am now going to make a coffee and settle down for a read......
I am rereading a PD James that I have unearthed .... this is so very old a copy that I cannot even remember the plot!
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6th May 2018, 06:46
Good morning, Elle!
Seems a nice morning outside!
I shall look in on BGT later.
Hope it is entertaining!
Well, my horse Mendelssohn did not get a sniff at the roses in Kentucky.
He came last!

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6th May 2018, 09:59
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
It is glorious out - warm and sunny.
A pity to come home........but we shall go out again this afternoon.
Have you watched BGT? What did you think?
I thought the Illusionists from Korea were good - and unusual if looking for something different.
(I find it incredible that anyone could get dressed/ changed so quickly!)
I also thought the exam invigilator- cum- comedian was quite funny.
There was a lot of response from the judges and the audience for Donchez......he even had Ant and Dec, and then the judges, joining him on stage.
David pressed the Golden buzzer!
I suppose it ranked as a successful act, as it got a lot of response?
But it left me cold....and I couldn't see it working a second time?
"The D-Day Darlings" were good....
And Andrew Lee the magician was very clever and entertaining.
But for me, the last act...Aleksander, the 23 year old the singer from Stevenage - was my favourite.
Alesha said he was "charming, seductive and alluring"!
He also sang very well!
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6th May 2018, 10:38
Good morning, Elle!
Lovely day here and warm.
I was disappointed in BGT.
Too many so-so acts on it.
Best by far, for me, were Ellie and Jeki from Korea.
Goodness knows how they change so quickly!
Very slick and entertaining, I thought.
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6th May 2018, 11:18
Now for once, I thought BGT offered a reasonable variety of acts.
If not brilliant, a good average were bearable.
I am usually very impatient with the bad acts, but they were buzzed off very speedily yesterday, so my tolerance was not too severely tested!
Yes, Ellie and Jeki were great!
I did not really expect you to like the (young male) singer, but I think he would definitely appeal to the female viewers!
I have to agree with Alesha!
I have finished the Everyman crossword.
I thought it a good puzzle!
I had some initial difficulty deciding on the definition for one clue, which hindered my parsing.......but it is all sorted now.
A clever clue!
Are you meeting the girls today?
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6th May 2018, 11:29
Hello, Elle!
Up to now, of the singing acts, I liked Father Ray, and Jack and Dad.
Last night I thought Ellie and Jeki were way ahead of the rest.
I was hoping to see a dog act, or a choir, so a bit disappointed there.
No, no girls today.
No idea what they are up to.
Lovely day for an ice cream!
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6th May 2018, 12:33
Hi, Rusty!
An ice cream sounds a great idea!
We have some Mackies (Scottish!) ice-cream in the freezer.
I only like the vanilla flavour.
I am thinking banana and ice cream might be nice for lunch........
I saw your answer of "butty" on another thread.......
I always though a "butty/ buttie" was a sandwich!
As in "bacon butty"......
Do you have any coverage of the first Diamond League (in Doha) on EuroSport?
BBC2 is only offering an hour at 6 pm.
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6th May 2018, 13:18
Hello, Elle!
Mackie's is very good ice cream!
A butty is a sandwich, and also a friend or partner.
See Bradford's.
Eurosport has the Giro on one channel and snooker on the other.
I have a football match on, then I will watch the Giro or the Tour de Yorkshire.
Quite warm here!
20848 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th May 2018, 13:45
Hi, Rusty!
"Butty", as a friend or partner, was new to me!
It is in Chambers, though.
Right...... we are now going out for a walk......
If we go now, we shall be back in time for the Athletics.
It is very warm here, too, but we are going armed with water bottles..... and the dog's bowl!
Catch you later.....
20849 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th May 2018, 18:06
Hi, Rusty!
Home again.....we have had an enjoyable outing.
It was rather too hot - in the higher twenties - but we choose shady routes, like going through the woods......and later finding a bench to sit upon, under a tree, while we drank our water.
The dog, as usual acted as though it was sub-zero temperatures and chased around!
She never wearies....I guess she doesn't know she is now ten years old!
What did you do with your afternoon?
Did you watch the cycling?
20850 of 30765  -   Report This Post