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6th May 2018, 21:11
Good evening, Elle!
It has been a nice day here, too!
I was out for a while in the afternoon.
I saw a bit of the Tour de Yorkshire.
Very scenic!
Huge crowds out for the race!
Good to see!
20851 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th May 2018, 23:42
Hi, Rusty!
Ah .at last.....I tried earlier to access the Forum website, but couldn't get through?
I wonder did you (or anyone else) have any trouble?
I just kept being told that the page wasn't available?

Earlier on, I was talking my cousin.....somewhat later than usual, as she had been out for the day.
I am hoping once her hand "mends" - she cannot drive as yet - she might be able to come and stay with us for a few days (if not longer).
We talk every week, as you know........but it is a while since we met up.......and chatted in person.
That would be good.
Everyone up North is well.
Was this the last day of the Tour de Yorkshire?
The race will have gone through some marvellous scenery.
My elder daughter and family are going to York for the half -term week , which I think is the end of May?
Now that is somewhere that I myself have never been!

I hope this now works to send!
20852 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2018, 06:40
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here!
I had no trouble getting on to Forum website last night?
Yes, the Tour de Yorkshire is over.
A win for Greg van Avermaet of BMC.
The scenery was great. I loved the wee twisty roads!
I've got a few things to do today.
20853 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2018, 10:26
Just bumping this thread to the top!
20854 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2018, 10:33
Good morning, Rusty!
You were up and on the Forum early this morning!
I had to search quite a way down to find the thread.
I am just back from the early morning walk.....
We would have done well to go further afield.......
It seems that every man and his dog/ bicycle/ and skateboard was out there this morning!
We dog walkers are used to having the park to ourselves at that hour!
John has sent me five crosswords.......!
20855 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2018, 12:33
20856 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2018, 17:46
Good afternoon, Elle!

I am up and to the fore early, most mornings.
Quite warm here today!
I have been fairly busy, doing bits and pieces.
Was at my son's, too.
Puzzle complete.
Quite a good one today!
20857 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2018, 19:12
Hi, Rusty!
It is good that you have had a successful day!
Nice, too, to see your son.
We've had a great day as well.....busy......but it has been rather too hot for comfort though.
BB has been to the cinema - perhaps not the best choice for such a lovely day but it was a pre-arranged friend's birthday party.
The child's brave parents took all the six year-old guests to see a film!
Yes, a good puzzle.
Only one clue I cannot do.....
16d: Lean man, legal official (8)
What am I not seeing here?
20858 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2018, 19:34
Hello, Elle!
A fine day for the cinema!
Still nice here.
16, to lean, is to "tip", to man is to "staff".
Tipstaff. An officer of court.
Is it new to you.
I thought it was fairly straightforward?
20859 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th May 2018, 21:06
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, "tipstaff" is completely new to me!
I have never come across the word before.
Thank you for explaining it to me.
I had trouble understanding one other answer, too.
I had forgotten about that.......
15a:Several loons? (6)
According to Anne B, the answer is "divers"....
Now I know that "several" means "divers", but do not understand why "loons" means that, too??
Maybe the heat is getting to me...?
It's probably addling my brain!
20860 of 30765  -   Report This Post