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4th May 2018, 13:35
elle- I understand there are several Oxfords in America. I was pretty disgusted when I arrived in Auckland to discover across the river a place called Birkenhead. Where I grew up (the UK one) - not then and not now fit for a pig to live in!
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4th May 2018, 14:43
Hi, Rusty!
I can, of course , despite being a Lancashire Lass, sing "On Ilkley Moor bah't 'at" all the way through!
There are various recordings of the Yorkshire "anthem" on YouTube, but I wasn't very impressed by the accents.
I shall look again later and see if I can find a credible accented version.
Thank you for explaining those clues.
I would have pondered until the cows came home and still got nowhere!
A good puzzle though...I enjoyed it!
I am about to take out the dog.....too nice an afternoon to remain indoors!

Ros, if you look up on Wikipedia for a list of English place names around the World , it is quite incredible how very many there are!
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4th May 2018, 15:12
Hello, Elle!
What does "bah't 'at" mean?
It was a steep climb up to the finish on Ilkley Moor!
No singing for Megan Guarnier on the climb!
She was super!
Glad you liked today's puzzle!
Was a good one.
20813 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th May 2018, 16:11
Hi rusty
Although I am a Moonraker (Wiltshire born) my pre-17th century ancestors lived in Yorkshire (Hampshwaite, about 16 miles north of Ilkley,) also Darley and Birstwith. So I was brought up knowing all the words to Ilkley Moor bah't 'at (On Ilkley Moor without a hat !) so catching theeself a death of cold and then the worms will eat ye up !
Just indoors as the sun is so hot doing weeding..... cup of tea. needed...
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4th May 2018, 17:47
..watching live coverage on channel 24 - such beautiful scenery
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4th May 2018, 18:00
Hello, Jazzgirl!
Thankee kindly for the info!
Yes, the Yorkshire scenery is very impressive!
A lovely part of the world.
I just did not realise that Ilkley Moor was so steep.
A great climb for bike racing.
It is not hot here today, on the cool side!
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4th May 2018, 18:15
I felt quite dizzy seeing those mad people (and a dog ) on the very edges of the high rocks
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4th May 2018, 18:17
Hello again, Jazzgirl!
The actual climb to the moor is called the "Cow and Calf", apparently called that after a rock formation on the moor.
Always learning!
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4th May 2018, 18:26
Good evening, Rusty!
I am sorry I wasn't around to answer your question.......I am only just back home!
It has been the most beautiful afternoon, so our walk became somewhat extended.....
Yes, "baht 'at" means "without hat"!
I have found you the entire lyrics of "On Ilkley Moor Baht'at" and an approximate translation from Google

Wheear 'as ta bin sin ah saw thee,
On Ilkley Moor baht 'at?!
Wheear 'as ta bin sin ah saw thee?
Wheear 'as ta bin sin ah saw thee?
On Ilkley Moor baht 'at?!
(Where have you been since I saw you last? On Ilkley Moor without a hat)

Tha's been a courtin' Mary Jane
(You have been going out with Mary Jane)
Tha's going catch tha death o'cowd
(You're going to catch a cold that'll be the death of you)
Then we shall 'av to bury thee
(Then we shall have to bury you)
Then t'worms 'll cum an eat thee oop
(Then the worms will come an eat your body)
Then t'ducks 'll cum and eat oop t'worms
(Then ducks will eat all the worms)

Then we shall go an' eat oop ducks
(Then we will all eat the ducks)
Then we shall all 'av etten thee
(Therefore we will have eaten you!)
That's wheer we get us oahn back
(So we get our own back!)
On Ilkley Moor baht 'at?!

There are various versions of the song on YouTube if you want to explore......
I wasn't overly impressed by the accents though in some cases.
It is best said /sung in "broad" Yorkshire.
You will have seen some beautiful scenery whilst watching the racing!
I hope your weather is as good as is looking good for the Bank Holiday weekend.
20819 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th May 2018, 19:02
Good evening, Elle!
What a gruesome song!
I don't think I'd like to hear it sung!
I'll leave it for the ducks.
I'll stick with "Jambalaya" and "Goodnight Irene", I think.
More my cup of tea!
I watched the women's race, then switched over to watch the Giro.
Yorkshire is very bonnie!
I loved all the scenery and the enthusiastic crowds lining the route.
Proper cycling!
My weather is fine here, but it is cooler than it has been.
Not sure what the weekend holds.
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