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11th April 2018, 14:36
Hi, Rusty!
Do you want to swap a warm wet day for a cold dry one?
I am weary of rain!
What a shame that you missed the floating crane!
But you have still had a nice day out........and an unexpected visit to The Pine Cone.
Our neighbours two doors away and us are gradually getting genned up on extensions and building laws....
It look like a long hard slog ahead....
Our daughter is very helpful and is coming up with loads of relevant info.....
It does sound as though planning permission is definitely needed for conversion of a house into flats.......
There had been talk of its not being necessary if the building were restricted to certain measurements (permitted planning)
This does not now seem to be the case......
I shall have to do some serious reading of all this information, once the boys have gone home.
I have no time right now!
Right, I am told I must get ready for off....!
Catch you later.
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11th April 2018, 16:10
Hello, Elle!
It is a fine day here and feels warmer than yesterday.
You may keep your rain!
Yes, I had a nice morning out.
Miss O is great company!
I am sure there will be much to consider regarding the extension and permission/laws etc.
Will you need a legal advisor, or someone who has much experience in previous extensions?
Good puzzle today.
26a, a book that is new to me!
It was not an easy puzzle, but I liked it!
20472 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th April 2018, 16:59
Hello Rusty and Elle,

I think I'll agree with you Rusty there - Elle, you will need a Legal
Advisor specialised in building extensions/buiding permit/ Land
planning use etc...... the cost to be divided between all concerned.

Glad you both had a nice time today, at one stage or another!
Slightly overcast now, but sunny earlier with 16C

Still windy - and noisy - at the Loch! I am doing something on
the computer but have left the sound on the Loch window.
I think Lassie chased off an intruder - not sure though.
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11th April 2018, 17:29
Hello, Pigale!
I think legal advice would be most advisable for Elle and neighbours.
Fine afternoon here!
It can be very noisy at the loch!
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11th April 2018, 19:31
Hi, Rusty!
We finally staggered home from the park and collapsed!
The dog was still going strong, but the rest of us were somewhat shattered!
I've already spoken to a solicitor specialised in building problems (extensions/ planning permission etc)
I did that as soon as we heard of the possible development.
I thought that I had mentioned this, Rusty??
I got lots of advice, but not much hope.......London Councils are keen to push through these type of applications because of the ongoing housing shortage.
We now have specifications on what is or is not required, and what will classify as "permitted development" against what will definitely need Council planning permission.
It all depends on the nature of the plans ......and also whether the prospective developer has admitted to the Council that he intends converting the house to flats.
However, the local Council said today that it has not yet received any plans.... we were all deliberately misinformed!
So we shall now have to wait and see..... but we have our eyes fixed firmly on the ball!
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11th April 2018, 21:19
Hello, Elle!
I don't recall you mentioning a solicitor, but you may have.
Who has "deliberately misinformed" you?
The house buyer?
Has your daughter had a go at fixing your desktop, yet?
Are you all at the games tonight?
I have another two chapters of my book to read.
One is on Harold MacMillan, the other is Peter LLewelyn Davies.
Peter was one of several brothers who were adopted (I think) by J.M. Barrie.
It's been a good book!
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11th April 2018, 22:13
Hi, Rusty!
Now I really thought that I had told you about my consulting a solicitor... .....
Oh dear, another senior moment?
I hope these "moments" will not increase with the advent of my birthday tomorrow!
We are all meeting up and going out for lunch to celebrate my becoming a year older.
My younger daughter is taking the day off work especially.
I am looking forward to it!
Again , I forgot to set the recorder for the Games....anything I should know about? There were a number of Athletics events today that I had wanted to watch.
Peter Llewellyn Davies?
Wasn't it he on whom J.M Barrie based "Peter Pan"?
20477 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th April 2018, 22:21
Elle, no, not 'another' senior moment - I remember you mentioning
that whoever you spoke to did not give you much hope, explaining
that her (?) own case did not succeed - councils agree on as many
flats as possible etc............. Is that it?

But just because one solicitor is taking this pessimistic view does not
mean that you should get all together and put a fight in -
and I'll ask the same question as Rusty asked : Who has misinformed
you? and why?
I should approach another professional, perhaps one more versed
on building laws.

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11th April 2018, 22:22
sorry - missed a word

'does not mean that you should NOT get all together...............
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11th April 2018, 22:37
Hello, Elle!
Ah, you see, I am not a sponge.
You may have told me, but....
I do not absorb everything.
One of my human frailties, I think.
I have only seen a bit of a netball match, England v New Zealand, today.
I have no idea of the schedule.
It has been disappointing.
Even missed a fellow citizen winning gold in the cycling.
Anyway, the Grand National meeting starts at Liverpool tomorrow and I shall see a bit of that.
Peter Pan?
Well close, but no cigar!
Peter was one of five brothers who Barrie became guardian of, when their parents died.
But, Richard van Emden says Peter Pan was taken largely from Peter's brother, Michael.
Unfortunately, Peter threw himself under a train (I think at Sloane Square station? Is there a station there?)
He hated the connection with Peter Pan.
20480 of 30765  -   Report This Post