Hello Jazzy,
Now, I have never been in a helicopter, but I suspect I would not
like it because I am sea sick (very much so!) and I was told the
movements of an helicopter are very similar to those of a sailing
boat - I am fine in speed boats though!
I took a coach trip from Funchal right to the top of the mountain
and we were warned to take warm clothing along with us - just
as well! En route, we went under a natural hole in the rock
and apparently two years later, that part of the road disappeared as the rock crumbled down the valley! The road certainly was not
wide enough for two coaches crossing! except in some areas where there were man-made wider inlays! Luckily we met no other traffic!
I loved Santana too. and no, I don't know why your helicopter
should have had to stop in the Azores before carrying on to
Funchal! But if it was very windy, they may have needed to carry
extra fuel so that the heli was more laden?
If I had enough money, I would buy a house on Madeira and live there! Portuguese speaking, but also a great British influence!