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14th April 2018, 08:53
Good morning, Elle!
A dullish morning here.
Not cold, though.
Just home with my paper.
I have books I would like to keep but doubt if I will ever re-read them.
And I am the only reader in the family.
So, a clear out is called for!
I am re-reading one about the "Lusitania" just now.
Poor Mr Jingles!
He found a cold hearth with you.
And well done, Lassie and Laddie!
Hope there are more eggs to come!
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14th April 2018, 09:54
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
A lovely day here!
Pale blue sky and sunshine, with the temperature just scraping into double figures.
We have a quiet (peaceful) weekend ahead of us!
I think we need it!
I had a look at the crossword earlier, over breakfast.....
Your mention of the "Lusitania" is very apt!
Now...... Mr J ate his way into several cereal packets whilst in residence!
It is as well he disappeared!
It was hardly hygienic with a little black mouse in the food cupboard!!
I have looked in on Lassie....she may well be sitting on an egg.....but as yet, disappointingly, I haven't caught a glimpse of it!
What are you up to today?
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14th April 2018, 10:27
Hello, Elle!
It has turned into a nice day here.
I have just finished my puzzle.
It is on the easy side, I think?
Yes, I see Lusitania!
I was convinced 1a was "jimjams" for a while!
All OK, now, though.
I have no plans for the day, (unless I hear from the young ones) but shall watch the Grand National later.
A canny day!
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14th April 2018, 11:21
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I thought today's puzzle was easy(ish), too...but then it always is on a Saturday!
None-the- less, I still have two to parse......
And "gumbo" is a new word for me.
"Gym slip" was probably a tad easier for me , than it was for you!
I used to wear one!
( Accompanied by the ubiquitous NBK - previously well- discussed on here! )
Jumbo Concise all completed too.
I think that is my quota for the day!
Although John has sent me four puzzles in total.
I think I shall phone my daughters and speak to the boys..........
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14th April 2018, 11:41
Hello, Elle!
I've read that Fats Domino was at his happiest when in his kitchen making gumbo!
And it gets a mention in "Jambalaya".
"Compeer" is a new word to me.
Probably the least difficult puzzle from The Times this week.
I am off for a wee dander!
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14th April 2018, 14:05
Hi, Rusty!
I do not know "Jambalaya" either?
I have managed to parse one of the two clues I had remaining.......I am very pleased with myself!
I hope you have enjoyed your walk?
Where did you go?
Our turn now for a jaunt...we are off out with the dog for another walk...
We might as well "make hay while the sun shines"!

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14th April 2018, 14:32
Hello, Elle!
Goodness me, Elle!
You don't know "Jambalaya"? Heavens above!
"Goodbye Joe, me gotta go, me oh my oh,
Gotta go, pole the pirogue down the bayou...."
Here's Fats Domino doing it.

I loved Fats!
I think Hank Williams wrote the song.
You will manage your parse when you return, I'd say!
I only walked along a bit of the nature trail.
Was grand!
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14th April 2018, 14:46
Hello again, Elle!
Here's an update from BBC Scotland on Lassie.
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14th April 2018, 15:08
close -up of the egg
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14th April 2018, 15:31
Hello, Jazzgirl,
That's a fine picture!
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