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6th April 2018, 08:49
Rusty, I had similar problems with today's puzzle. 18 A simply doesn't work as it is. 15 A involves modern terminology/computer stuff - the second word in the answer means to copy/burn CDs, films etc.
20311 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th April 2018, 09:02
Good morning, Malone!
Thank you for the tips!
18a, I know what the setter is meaning but the clue is not quite correct, I do not think.
15, I knew "burn" for copying (which is baffling enough!)
But not the phrase in the answer.
And I found Debussy's tune on YouTube!
20312 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th April 2018, 09:11
Thanks, Rusty. I thought the phrase at 15 was quite a well-known one. I do it myself quite often, usually when I encounter inefficiency of any sort!

PS These last few posts might bemuse other people, with references to clues. I didn't supply details - and answers - as it might interfere with others' enjoyment.
20313 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th April 2018, 10:32
Hello, Malone!
I agree with your PS!
With 15, I am poor at computing terminology.
But a nice change from old Greek judges!
I liked 11a, a great word!
For some daft reason it makes me think of Lyndon Johnson!
Maybe it originated in Texas or something!
20314 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th April 2018, 10:36
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
I'm not sure whether you are still out or back home again?
It is a lovely morning here, with early sunshine.
There were photo sessions taking place in the park, advertising Discovery Adventures - apparently a clothing and equipment store.
(I have never heard of it, have you?)
You have certainly done your crossword early this morning......
I shall take a look at mine very shortly.......
I shall let you know how I get on!
20315 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th April 2018, 11:25
Good morning, Elle!
I am home now.
I have not heard of Discovery Adventures.
Any link to the television channel?
Yes, I tackled the puzzle first thing today.
Quite a good one, though one or two mystified me.
Malone was helpful though.
I bought custard doughnuts when out and shall have one now with a coffee and see what Claire Balding is saying today.
20316 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th April 2018, 13:21
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, from what I understood from the guy to whom I was talking, the adverts are for the Discovery Channel and will be shown on there, and also on somewhere called "Quest".
That last didn't mean anything to me, but it perhaps might to you?
He was setting out all his camping equipment, and hoping the sunshine would last the day! does not look as though I shall be able to do any of today's puzzles.
For some reason my computer will not recognise and open the PDF file?
Why this has suddenly happened, I have no idea!
I have never encountered this trouble before.
My husband has been working on the computer /printer for most of the morning, tying to discover what is wrong.
I am now being allowed five minutes on here, and then he is going to have another attempt to find out the trouble.
If you do not hear from me for a while....... you will know he is still "tinkering...!
Enjoy the time, can we have jam ones?
20317 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th April 2018, 13:38
Hello, Elle!
I think "Quest" is a channel run by Discovery on the Sky platform.
I have Sky TV and there are hundreds of channels on it.
The vast majority of them I do not look at, (including Discovery and Quest.)
A pity about the PDF file.
Again, I can offer no advice as I know next to nothing about PDF files, or computers, in general.
Any moves on a new tablet?
I bought the doughnuts in TESCO, and they had jammed ones, too, but I am not so keen on those.
20318 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th April 2018, 18:03
Hi, Rusty!
Whew, what an afternoon I have had!
I am sorry for my lack of communication......
My computer has been down, and I have only just been able to access anything again.
A nightmare!
It is a good job that I shall have a resident computer expert (elder daughter) staying here for a week, from Sunday.
I obviously need taking in hand!
I was beginning to feel contact with the World!
How are you? What have you been doing all day?
20319 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th April 2018, 18:21
Hello, Elle!
Welcome back to the World!
Yes, hopefully your daughter will gee things up with your computer.
They are a blasted nuisance when they misbehave.
I have just started my book "Famous 1914-1918".
It is another very well written book by Richard van Emden.
I've read the first two chapters,on AA Milne, and George Mallory.
Have you heard of them?
I heard a rather disturbing story about Laura Muir earlier.
She has teamed up with a coach from the Nike Oregon Project.
I am not sure that is a very intelligent move by Miss Muir!
She has, in the past, refused to speak to Genzebe Dibaba because she was with a Nike Oregon coach, and now she is doing the same thing?
When this was mentioned to her today, she said, "don't worry!"
I do not like this, at all!
20320 of 30765  -   Report This Post