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5th April 2018, 16:38
Hi, Rusty!
You sound as though you are having a good day, with plenty of sport to watch.
A postcard arrived belatedly from Swanage this morning, from BB.....he had taken the trouble to write it himself!
Wasn't that nice?
We have been pottering about in the garden this afternoon, as it is an absolutely beautiful day here , with the temperature well up in double figures!
We bought three rhododendron bushes and have been deciding where they should go.......
I haven't even printed out the crosswords today.....
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5th April 2018, 17:59
hi Elle
Please keep an eye on your doggie and cat in the garden as Rhododendron are toxic and can harm both animals.

Regarding your neighbour's plans, I was in the same position as you about 15 years ago. Outcome was a 2-storey extension and the view from my bathroom window (which once used to have the sun pouring in early morning) now faces a rendered wall ! I tried the "lack of light" complaint, but the lady from the planning dept. said the builder was within his rights.
I wish you luck, anyway !
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5th April 2018, 18:52
Hi elle

Jazzy is right to warn you about rhodos, but I don't think there's much to worry about. We have lots, and none of our cats or dogs have ever shown any interest in eating the flowers.

What is less well known (and a bit worrying) is that honey that bees make from rhodo nectar can be poisonous to humans!
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5th April 2018, 18:59
PS The leaves are the most poisonous part of the rhododendron
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5th April 2018, 19:14
They're even less tempted to eat the leaves! (except by mistake, I suppose)
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5th April 2018, 20:11
Hello, Jazzy!
I appreciate your warning about rhododendrons, but we have had them in our garden for years for years and - like Chris - none of our cats or dogs have ever shown the slightest interest in them.
These are (small) replacements for our other bush, which didn't survive its replanting when we replaced our decrepit garden wall with a new fence!

I am sorry to hear about your building experience.
My talk with a solicitor this morning has not led me to hold out much hope...I can see the plans going ahead.
Almost every consideration I offered, she said that the Council would knock down!
I am stressed at the thought of living next door to what will amount to a block of flats , when it has always been a quiet family home!

Hi, Chris!
I didn't know that about bees and rhodos! and we have had both in our garden for years.
You are full of interesting facts!
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5th April 2018, 20:32
Hi, Rusty!
Update on what I said before!
I have now (belatedly) done my crossword.........
There are two words that I did not know......
Like you, "chiliarch" was a new word for me..... and also "tigon".
I am not always keen on homophones, but I rather liked "Thai gone"!
Has your son been visiting you this evening?
I have only just realised that it is Thursday!
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5th April 2018, 20:44
Hello, Elle!
I knew "tigon", there is a "liger", too.
I liked today's puzzle.
My son was here for a while.
We were keeping an eye on the Masters while we chatted.
I was reading that Laddie has been chasing off male ospreys over the last few days.
Apparently there were five ospreys in the air today.
All go at the loch!
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5th April 2018, 20:59
It's good that your.pets are not interested in the Rhodos.
Regarding my neighbour's extension, there is a slight benefit to me, in that I have more privacy when sitting in the garden, and the neighbours can no longer see into my conservatory from their bedroom window !
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5th April 2018, 21:00
Hi, Rusty!
I thought you were having me on about "liger"!
I even looked it up!!
I wonder how I never came across either word before?
I really must try to throw that into the park conversation tomorrow !
Your man, Marc Austin, got the Bronze in the Triathlon, did you watch?
I was sorry that neither of the Brownlee brothers did well.... a bad day for them both.
Only Lassie in the nest when I looked a short while ago.....
20300 of 30765  -   Report This Post