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4th April 2018, 16:04
Hello, Malone!
I have heard of The Taming of the Shrew!
But I do not know any characters in it, but if you say there is a "Sly" in it, that'll do for me!
20261 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th April 2018, 16:06
Rusty, I know the names of many Shakespeare plays, but only the major characters in the most famous ones.
I thought Areopagites was a wonderful word. It looks made up!
20262 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th April 2018, 16:35
Hello, Malone!
Did you know Areopagites ?
If so, I am impressed with your knowledge!
But Anne Bradford and me got there eventually!
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4th April 2018, 16:44
Oh no, Rusty, I'd never seen Areopagites before - and didn't know they were 'judges'. I hope I'll get to use the word at some point, drop it casually into a conversation.
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4th April 2018, 16:55
That's the spirit, Malone!
I am not sure if I could ever remember it, to drop it into a conversation!
Now, this Taming of the Shrew play.
My favourite film is "The Quiet Man", and one of the main characters in it is "Mary Kate Danaher".
I read, or, was told, many years ago, that the character, "Mary Kate" was based on a leading character in "The Taming of the Shrew".
I do not know how true that is, but that is what I read/was told.
20265 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th April 2018, 16:56
Hi, Rusty!
I checked in Chambers......"bumblebee" does appear to be one word.
I'm afraid that I cannot see the parsing for "Areopagites"?
"pages - "attendants", round "it"... but then what?
i am sorry if I am being dense here?
Now....Christopher Sly is a tinker in "The Taming of the Shrew", which, if my memory serves me correctly, is similar to "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in that it is a play within a play.....
The story of taming Kate is told to Christopher Sly......
I am having misgivings as to whether I have this right, so will dig out my copy of Shakespeare later, to confirm...or otherwise!
I would never have got the parsing for 21a, because I don't pronounce "one" like "won"!
Carrot and ginger soup sounds good!
I have never heard of that combination before.
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4th April 2018, 17:17
Hello, Elle!
I always thought it was two words, "bumble bee"!
Now, this is my interpretation of Areopagites, and I confess I am "winging" it here!
You have the second part parsed properly.
"Areo" is left.
My take is, "live" means "exist/s" or "is" or "are".
So we will take the "are"; "over" in cricket jargon is abbreviated to "o".
That gives the "Areo" bit.
Is that reasonable, think you?
I pronounce "won" and "one" the same way.
I would be intrigued by your pronunciation?!!
I got "free" carrots at ASDA, and thought it would make nice soup, and threw some ginger powder in to give it a bit of zing.
Tastes fine!
20267 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th April 2018, 17:26
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, that parsing sounds good - I'm sorry I didn't see it.
I pronounce "one" like this
But I pronounce "won" like "wun"?
Maybe the latter is a local pronunciation?
I don't know...
How do you say the words?
I think we shall try your soup variation... we often make our own soups.
20268 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th April 2018, 17:40
Hello, Elle!
"One" and "wun/won" are the same to me.
Now, listen, this soup of mine has no recipe or anything.
It is a makey-up.
Just sliced carrots, a touch of sea salt, a pinch of ginger powder, water, and into the slow cooker with it.
I was possibly too generous with the ginger, though.
When I came through the check-out at ASDA yesterday, there were several pallets of vegetables that were being given away free.
They had over-ordered and the veg was going out of date.
So I took a big bag of carrots and was very pleased!
Hence the soup!
20269 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th April 2018, 19:17
Hi, Rusty!
Now, an update!
I have just had a visit from the new owner of next door.
He tells me that the Thames Water Board finally contacted him, and he has given his permission for them to "dig" between our two houses.
So hopefully, the repair pipe work might start soon.
It is as well that we are not yet connected to these meters, or it would be costing us a fortune in "lost" water.
This "leak" has been ongoing since at least February.
He also tells me that he plans to extend the house out into the garden and build two storeys.
And to do a loft conversion.
I am wondering how all this will affect our own property.......our light for instance......
And also his more immediate neighbours , to whom his house is attached.
I think we shall need to look into this if the Council give him permission.......look at the plans etc?
It seems that his intention is to convert the house into flats and then sell or possibly rent them.
Oh dear......I can see potential problems!
Oops! I must go and watch Eilidh......
20270 of 30765  -   Report This Post