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4th April 2018, 21:47
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, I was right then about my reference to P. G. Wodehouse!
I could just imagine Bertie uttering such a remark.
I've received an email from Emma, the Assistant Manager at the Scottish Wildlife Trust Visitor Centre.
It is basically an update on the ospreys , covering Laddie's arrival, and the slight fracas with the alien osprey.
And telling of Lassie and Laddie's various matings - and the hope of eggs very soon.
Did you get the same?
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4th April 2018, 22:24
Hello, Elle!
It is a fairly well known phrase up here!
Maybe Bertie used to take his holidays North of the Border and picked it up here?
When he stayed with Great Aunt Euphemia.
Yes, I got an email, too.
There is a huge golf tournament in USA starting tomorrow called the Masters.
Tonight there was a par three competition and the great Jack Nicklaus' grandson had a "hole in one".
Needless to say they were all delighted!
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4th April 2018, 22:51
Elle, you are right, the situation I was referring to re. my husband's plans did apply when he was dealing with listed buildings, BUT
there are also all sorts of grounds on which you can oppose such
project, for example 'not in keeping with the surrounding', which
was a favourite one with the IDC (ISLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE both in Guernsey and Jersey);

Perhaps a small type of petition involving all your street neighbours might be useful too.
I mean by that that even though they will not be affected as direct
neighbours, they will be affected because they too live in this
residential street, and multi-storey flats can only destroy the
peace and quiet, all depending on lodgers obviously -

There is a historical aspect that could be taken into consideration
too - the Victorian spirit would not be respected (in terms of types of
housing - as many flats as possible as opposed to grand family
homes; It does matter if your own house needs a coat of paint,
it is still in the character of the Victorian epoch.

There are many avenues that could be followed to help you Elle,
but I personally think that a letter expressing concern,
signed by all the street residents, and officially addressed to the Council might be the very first thing to do

My first reaction - But I do know from my experience when working
with architects that timing is important. The ideal situation for you
would be to kill the project before its conception - at present, it
has only reached inception I suppose? Or has your neighbour
already got architects drawing plans for him and applying permission?
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5th April 2018, 11:26
Good morning , Rusty!
A lovely day here - bright blue sky and sunshine!
My day started off pleasantly with an enjoyable walk........
It has gone steadily downhill since then........!
I have been to see the neighbours who will be most affected by next door's machinations.
They know nothing about his planning applications and were most upset to hear of his intentions.
I have since tried contacting the Planning Department of the local council, but there is only a recorded message telling the caller (me!) to deal with any queries online!
Whatever happened to "speaking to a human"?
And what does anyone do who doesn't have online access?
I think it's disgraceful!!!!
Right, my next job is trying to find some robot online who can deal with this.......
I hope your day is calmer than mine?

Pigale, your efforts to help are much appreciated.
But from what I gather, plans are drawn already and in with the Planning dept....
I am hoping that the council is supposed to notify us of this, before taking further action, but getting to "speak" to some one in authority seems nigh impossible!
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5th April 2018, 11:41
Good morning, Elle!
Lovely day here too, though there was frost and slippy pavements earlier.
I can offer no helpful advice regarding your dilemma with the neighbour, I'm afraid.
I have no experience of this at all.
Can you visit the Planning Department?
Phone for Citizen's Advice?
Could your local councillor help?
Maybe Malone may have a suggestion?
Good luck with your efforts to resolve the matter!
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5th April 2018, 11:49
Rusty, Elle, I had a quick look online earlier to see how the planning process worked in England. I chose Surrey (I think) and the website told me that the Planning department will notify 'everyone likely to be affected by the application'. I think this must be true for most local authorities, planning departments. I know that there some 'objections' that aren't classed as relevant - for my neighbour's extension, another neighbour has said that he will lose some of his view, and has been told that this has no effect on the application!
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5th April 2018, 11:58
Good morning (just) Elle and Rusty!

No rain, no wind, 12C but no sun! it was supposed to visit us
but has failed so far!

Elle, I still reckon a Registered Letter to your Council from both
you and the neighbour on the other side (most affected apparently)
might be worth a try - I would go for signatures from all street
residents myself, but just you two in the first instance would be better than nothing.

Surely you and the neighbour concerned can
put your griefs/fears etc in a fairly strong worded letter?
Because at present, you are almost being placed in front of the
fait accompli! (If the Planning permission is granted that is). No
one is/has contacted you? You fell upon it 'by accident', because
of the water leak!

Everything might be supposed to be dealt on line, but I assume
the Royal Mail still exists? and in fact to have something in writing
is better - to my mind. I would go about in an official manner,
make an official complaint.

Sorry to be a bore, but this is the way we would deal with this
kind of matter over here.
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5th April 2018, 12:07
Yes, notification from the local authority is what I am hoping for.
But I thought it couldn't hurt if I actually spoke to someone in Planning Permission
Some hopes.......they don't take queries on the phone... so tell you to go online...
But when I do that, there is an official notice saying the website is down!
I am thinking that if we can get the plans reduced to a single storey for only two flats, it would maybe be a reasonable compromise........
We can but see.
You have been very patient listening to me venting my spleen!
I will stay off the subject (for now!)
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5th April 2018, 13:28
Hi, Rusty!
Well, at least the sun has continued to shine throughout all my tribulations!
I am done with my enquiries about planning permission.
I have just spoken with a solicitor from the legal advice line that goes with one's Insurance policies, and she tells me that the local councils are pushing through as many flat conversions as they can because of housing shortages!
The solicitor's own personal experience regarding alterations to the house next to hers, was that the letter from the council, advising her of the planning application, came on the same day as the builders started work!!
(And she a solicitor! What chance do we mere non -legal mortals stand?)
She advises us to go though the motions, but has basically said don't hold out any hope!
Now......striving for a lighter note...!
Have you been watching the Commonwealth Games?
And what time is the golf?
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5th April 2018, 14:47
Hello, Elle!
Not a very encouraging solicitor!
But, you and your neighbours must do your best to get the matter resolved as best you can.
I watched some of the cycling at the Gold Coast.
The golf is on now through Sky Golf Red Button.
Finished my puzzle.
It is a good one. 15d is a new word to me,
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