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7th April 2018, 10:59
Good morning, Elle!
Fine morning here!
Hope the rangers are correct, but Odin was driven away at Loch Garten last year, with tragic results.
These things happen in nature.
I do not know the reasoning behind the cancelled flights but it was to do with her changing her itinerary.
It is my grandson who is keeping me up to speed on this.
He has booked new flights for his big sis and she'll be home tomorrow.
I do not "need" one of the girls with me, but I would like their company.
The city centre and waterfront have changed utterly since I was last there and one of the girls would keep me right.
And the girls are great fun and I love their company.
I am watching the Gold Coast cycling just now and reading about the Battle of Shiloh.
Very interesting!
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7th April 2018, 11:23
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, taking one of the girls along, even if only for company, sounds a great idea.
I was thinking that maybe you were shopping for new clothes and needed the advice of a granddaughter?
It is always good to have a second opinion.....and more fun , too, shopping in company.
How is the new waterfront development coming along?
Doesn't the new V & A Museum open sometime this year?
The Battle of Shiloh?
I'm not that the American Civil War?
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7th April 2018, 11:52
Hello, Elle.
I have plenty of clothes.
And I dislike shopping for them.
There is a huge crane in the river I'd like to see.
Came in a day or two ago.
I hear the development is going well.
Shiloh was a Civil War battle.
There are a lot of myths surrounding Shiloh.
This book attempts to dispel them.
How is your computer getting on today?
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7th April 2018, 12:38
Hello, Elle!
This is a video of the crane coming up the Tay to Dundee.
The Asian Hercules 3.
It can lift 5,000 tons!
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7th April 2018, 12:50
Hello Elle and Rusty,

I have just seen by accident Lassie and 'a male' mating a few
minutes ago, and it sure was not Laddie - It had definite white
horizontal stripes on its tail feathers! Now, what is going on?
I read the blog, but this has just happened.
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7th April 2018, 12:55
Good afternoon, Pigale!
I suspected this yesterday.
Could be that Laddie has not driven the intruder from "his" territory?
The rangers are not very good at keeping us informed.
I have told them that several times.
They have watchers around the clock and know everything that's going on.
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7th April 2018, 13:08
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, mystery are going to see a crane!
And boy, it is some crane!
Asian Hercules III .
I didn't even know that they had floating ones!
I can quite understand your wanting to go to look at it!
Now computer......
So far today, it is doing well.
The problem with opening a PDF file seems to be limited to the Microsoft Edge browser.
I only started using this browser recently, and up until yesterday had no problems with it.
However, this morning I received a message from Edge, asking my opinion of their efficiency in opening PDF files.......on a scale of 1 to 10......
There was no facility for putting "0", so I put "1" and when asked how they could improve that, I said that "making it work" might prove advantageous!
So it sounds to me as though they are aware that there is an ongoing difficulty?
Meanwhile, I am printing out the crosswords using IE.
Would that I had thought of that yesterday!
The rest of the problems which I think resulted from our "fiddling about" trying to rectify matters, seem to have resolved themselves now.
Let's keep our fingers crossed.......

Yes, Pigale, I've just seen an osprey - with horizontal white stripes on its tail - mating with Lassie.....
And it was most definitely not Laddie.
Are we going to have a paternity suit on our hands?
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7th April 2018, 13:21
Good afternoon, Elle!
Yes, I'm going to see a crane!
It's a belter!
Hope it is still in the river when I go down.
I'll check with a taxi company first, they know everything that's going on!
Maybe you are best using IE rather than Edge?
I use Chrome nowadays and it seems to be fine.
I would not know if it can read PDF's though.
Now, I had a wee look at the Latin crossword.
I got 1a,
"Body of the Son of God, a feast some two months after Easter (6,7)"
"Corpus Christi".
Can't get any more!
Looks like Lassie has got herself a fancy man!
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7th April 2018, 13:29
Hello, Elle!
I found this clip of Asian Hercules 3 in action, on YouTube.
Boy, is it impressive!
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7th April 2018, 13:52
Hi, Rusty!
Wow! What more can I say?
Yes, definitely worth a visit!
I had always used Internet Explorer for years, Rusty, until very recently when my computer kept crashing continually.
And then little notices kept appearing on my screen, saying that the fault would be reported to IE...
The computer would then shut down and became a serious nuisance.
Microsoft Edge is supposed to be replacing IE......
And when younger daughter revamped my computer a fortnight ago, she changed the browser to Edge.
It certainly sorted out the current problems.....the computer is very much quicker now, and no more constant crashing.
But there are definite draw backs with Edge, that Microsoft is currently working on......
No Tool Bar for instance...and then this PDF problem.....
At the moment I'm negotiating between the two browsers.
I wonder does Lassie have a toy boy...or a sugar daddy..... in this new osprey?
20350 of 30765  -   Report This Post