Hi, Rusty!
I am still very surprised by Laura's original decision to train with David McHenry.
She must surely have realised what the general reaction would be?
At least she has come to her senses.......
And I see from your article that Mo is back training with the set up again........
Such association doesn't augur well for an athlete's reputation.
Private Godfrey, that's it!
How could I have forgotten?
I do hope Laddie hasn't been driven away?
That would be very like Odin...and hopefully not to be countenanced.
What is happening with EJ, do you know?
Yes, my Hudl has a new lease of life.........
Hello, Chris!
That is interesting that your fellow teacher was Arnold Ridley's brother.
Yes, quite a number of conscientious objectors were ambulance drivers , stretcher bearers and such.
Very brave men, even though they refused to fight.
Yes, Pigale, I have just read both your posts..
I was away from the computer for a time!
Giving my eyes a rest....... I spent a lot of time earlier trying to sort out all the problems.
I still cannot access the Screen prints..... I shall have to buy a paper tomorrow!
Maybe my daughter will be able to fix the problem when she arrives.
I could not decide which osprey it was, as the head remained turned away!