A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
Very wet here......we plodged rather than walked!
Not many people about.....I guess the heavy rain separated the men from the boys!
It looks though as you will be all set for your trip to the Pine Cone this morning, then?
What time are you going?
Is Miss O collecting you?
Will you be home for the golf play-off?
And the leap into Poppie's Pond?
My crosswords from John were awaiting me on my return - ...there are five of them!
That will keep me out of mischief.......
I did click "live" Kenyatta, but as I have been explaining to Rusty, my picture varied not at all, no matter when or how often I looked at it...
I certainly saw no moonlight or reflection on water.......
Indeed I could see no water.......all was totally dark in the background, throughout my viewing.
A mystery.......