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1st April 2018, 23:25
Hi, Rusty!
Er.......what moonlight? on what water?
All is still.....
I have been staring at my picture of the loch for several minutes....
I cannot be looking at the same thing as you?
Can you not meet somewhere nearer at hand tomorrow should it snow?
It would be a pity to miss seeing your friends?
20211 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st April 2018, 23:31
Hello, Elle!
The moon was in full view shining on the water in the loch.
But it moves as time passes.
You are looking at the same thing as me, but at a later time, that's why it is different.
Think about it?
No, if it snows I am staying home.
I can see my friends the next time they are here, but I refuse to drive in snowy conditions.
Slipping and sliding will cause accidents.
20212 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st April 2018, 23:33
The moon is shining through the trees NOW, Elle!
20213 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st April 2018, 23:52
Hi, Rusty!
I am confused, Rusty..... I immediately went to the loch when reading your last post......
On first viewing, there was a moon in the top left hand corner of the picture......but not shining through any trees! and no reflection anywhere?
Then when I clicked on the arrow to start the video, there was no longer a moon, no moonlight on water..... no movement at all..........?
I couldn't even see any water? just blackness ?
Ah, I did not realise that it would be necessary to drive to see your friends....
I had thought they were staying in your vicinity, and you could meet up with them by walking.
No , should it snow, definitely do not drive anywhere to meet them!
Stay safe at home!
20214 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd April 2018, 00:18
Hello, Elle!
The still picture before you press play could be several hours old.
There is movement. It is live.
The moon does not stay still waiting for you.
It moves continually and the branches around the nest are moving, just very slightly, but they are moving.
The moon will have passed through the picture by now, but when it was there, it cast light upon the waters of the loch.
Anyway... in today's Times, there is a Jumbo.
You have a choice, cryptic or concise.
No general knowledge one.
I suspect there is just one grid and you choose either cryptic or concise.
Is that the usual way?
20215 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd April 2018, 00:40
Hi, Rusty!
I have given up with the nest...not once have I seen moonlight or any movement.....!!
Thank you for the lowdown on the crosswords.
Yes, if buying the newspaper, there is just the one Jumbo grid, and one chooses which crossword to do.
But as John sends me screen shots, he provides me with a grid per puzzle!
So I will receive both Jumbos.
Is there the usual 15 x15 Cryptic , too?
Or only the Jumbos?
Right...I am away to my bed.....I said this quite a while back and never got there!
Early walk in the morning.........
20216 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd April 2018, 07:42
Good morning, Elle!
Dry outside, no sign of the snow yet.
The moon and the light from it is only visible on that particular picture for a certain period of time as it passes through the shot.
You must have been too late to see it.
There is constant movement, however slight, all the time, as the breeze ruffles the branches around the nest.
Wonder what the owl was up to?
Today there is the normal Times crossword puzzle, the Jumbos I have mentioned, and around twenty more puzzles to do.
No winner at Poppie's Pond yet.
There is a play-off between Inbee Park and Pernilla Lindberg but they ran out of light, and will resume today sometime.
20217 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd April 2018, 10:14
I had the same picture symptoms as you. Then, in frustration rather than expectation, I clicked 'Live' and all was well. You've probably done that but......
20218 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd April 2018, 10:22
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
Very wet here......we plodged rather than walked!
Not many people about.....I guess the heavy rain separated the men from the boys!
It looks though as you will be all set for your trip to the Pine Cone this morning, then?
What time are you going?
Is Miss O collecting you?
Will you be home for the golf play-off?
And the leap into Poppie's Pond?
My crosswords from John were awaiting me on my return - ...there are five of them!
That will keep me out of mischief.......

I did click "live" Kenyatta, but as I have been explaining to Rusty, my picture varied not at all, no matter when or how often I looked at it...
I certainly saw no moonlight or reflection on water.......
Indeed I could see no water.......all was totally dark in the background, throughout my viewing.
A mystery.......
20219 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd April 2018, 13:50
Good afternoon, Elle!
It is windy and dry here, no snow yet!
We had a good time at Pine Cone.
Not sure what time the golf resumes.
If Inbee Park wins, it will be her second leap into the pond.
Last time she jumped she took a bottle and filled it with pond water, which she took home to Korea and poured it over her father's head so he could "share" in the celebratory jump.
Inbee's mother had jumped with Inbee.
So that particular jump was a family affair!
Lexi's Mom jumped with Lexi, too.
Good fun!
You have plenty puzzles to keep you going!
Mine is complete!
I always thought 10a was two words?
Good puzzle, though!
20220 of 30765  -   Report This Post