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18th March 2018, 10:34
Good morning, Rusty!
We too have had snow overnight...but all we are left with is a light covering that has frozen over.
It is extremely slippy under foot, and the side roads are bad.
Very, very cold!
My daughter and I have been talking on the phone for over an hour.......
It started off with us discussing whether or not they should risk driving over here.
The verdict was to stay we chatted on the phone instead!
Are you and Miss O still going to the Pine Cone?
What time is she collecting you?
19851 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 10:47
Hello, Elle!
Seems to be quite a bit of Wintry weather about!
A bit blizzardy here and very windy.
No, Miss O and me agree road conditions are not very good and we shall go next week, instead.
Pine Cone is a lot higher up, so gets more snow, and has very narrow roads which do not get much traffic, so we have our sensible heads on!
And La Bamba may be able to come then, too!
So, a day at home for me!
19852 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 10:52


18th March 2018, 11:05
Thanks for that, Jazzgirl!
A chilly looking nest!
19854 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 11:20
Yes indeed Rusty.
I think Laddie is stopping en route for a bit of sunshine somewhere.

That is the first time I have tried to post a picture here, from a mobile phone, so I am pleased it worked for those who do not use Twitter.
19855 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 11:24
Hello, Jazzgirl!
It is a bit chilly at the loch for the ospreys after being so long in West Africa, I'd say!
Yes, your photo Tweet was perfect.
I like Twitter!
19856 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 11:34
There's very little difference between this chatty thread and Twitter, except there is a limit on the number of words per tweet (per post) and anyone can view the tweets (posts) without joining or logging in.
I am braving the elements now.
Keep warm all
19857 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 12:06
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, staying put seems to be a sensible decision!
And, as you say, maybe Miss L-B will be able to join you next weekend.
We are still getting the occasional defiant snowflake fluttering down.....but generally, I think a thaw is setting in.
It is perhaps as well that Laddie has not yet arrived...his (cold) snowy nest (as kindly pictured by JG) did not look very inviting, did it?
I finished the Everyman early one clue!
I am flummoxed by it...but it will give me something on which to reflect......
I also have the Sunday Times Cryptic yet to do.....
I am missing my walk though.......

Thank you for the photo of the osprey nest, Jazzy.
There is only a black and white picture up on the website.
So still no progress in sorting out the camera.
I hope you have time for a walk on the beach!

19858 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 12:31
Walk on the beach ?! You have to be joking in this weather !
A good roast dinner indoors is what is on the cards...

19859 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 12:45
Hello, Elle!
Lucky you with the thaw!
Still snowing here, though it has eased a bit, as per forecast.
Jazzgirl's pic confirms there is some sort of working camera up the tree, though not the main webcam.
Good luck with your puzzles.
My day of rest from them!
19860 of 30765  -   Report This Post