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17th March 2018, 15:43
Hello Elle,

I am sorry for you with your weather! We are due a few minuses
from tomorrow onwards, particularly at night - and it is past

My cats will go out if it is cold BUT DRY and preferably sunny -
They reduce their going out to the bare minimum when it rains,
and just refused point blank to go any further than the door when we had snow! Not daft!
My various dogs just loved the snow, and the Golden Retriever
tried to catch the flakes as they fell, even when an old dog!
Mind you, he also walked behind my husband pushing the mower,
and tried to catch bits of flying grass! Daft dog but oh! so lovely!!
19841 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th March 2018, 16:53
Hi, Rusty!
Your bands sounds the "biz"!
Yes, I did indeed look at Jazzgirl's link.
And read all the relevant "tweets"!
I still find "Twitter" a very strange "to-do", though, and do not really understand how it works?
I had a wander into the garden - wrapped up like MM - and spent some time out there, playing with the dog.
She loved it !
Very cold though!!
I am remaining firmly indoors, for the remainder of the day.
What is happening with the Milan-San Remo bike race?
You said you were going to watch it?

Hello, Pigale!
Our previous cats would go out. providing the snow wasn't too deep....
I remember one climbed a tree in the snow.....and then was frightened to come down again.
She must have felt unsafe in the snow!
One of our young French guests nobly climbed up after her, and carried her down!
Our present cat, of course, does not go outside, because of her disability.
19842 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th March 2018, 20:06
Hi, Rusty!
Our snow started to thaw.... but we have since had more falling.
I don't think it will become much deeper - only a couple of inches there now...but it is obviously going to freeze over.
So tomorrow looks like being very slippery.
We have a Yellow Alert against ice.
What is happening up your way?
Have your winds died down?
I am going to watch "The Voice" shortly.....I shall enjoy that!
19843 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th March 2018, 20:33
Good evening, Elle!
I suspect you have more snow than me.
Just a scattering here.
Still blowing quite a bit.
Mark Cavendish had a bad crash in Milan-San Remo today.
I have not heard how he is.
Remember to record "Casualty" too!
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17th March 2018, 21:52
Hi, Rusty!
There is not a lot of snow...but it is already freezing ...
The ground will be very treacherous tomorrow.
We may stay put if it is very bad......we shall see.
How about you?
Will you still be able to go to the Pine Cone?
I am writing this in the break..."The Voice" does not finish till 10.30 ...a longer session tonight!
(I hope I manage to stay awake till the end)
Yes, I recorded "Casualty"!
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17th March 2018, 22:27
Hi Rusty,

Just had a read and saw video of Cavendish' very spectacular crash!
Poor lad, just back on the saddle after a similar injury fairly recently!
Apparently it not 'that' serious, one rib on the same side as his previous injury, marks and bruises obviously and a possible ligament injury on an ankle.

Is this what you know or have you found out more?

He certainly does not start 2018 season very well, does he, after
his promising stage win in Dubai?
19846 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th March 2018, 22:57
Hello, Elle!
Still snowing on and off here.
We still plan on the Pine Cone, but we shall see what tomorrow brings.
ASDA cafe could be plan B!

Hello, Pigale!
No, you have more knowledge of his injuries than I do.
It was certainly a spectacular crash!
Surely though, there should have been a marshal with a waving flag at the traffic island?
The lack of a marshal contributed to the crash, I think.
He has not had much luck recently!
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17th March 2018, 23:15
Hi, Rusty!
I enjoyed the show......and did mange to remain awake, despite feeling tired.
I read online in The Telegraph and the Cycling Weekly about Mark Cavendish's crash.
Both said much the same as Pigale has already mentioned.
A new rib fracture and a (quote) possible "ligamentous ankle injury" requiring further assessment once he returns home.
It does sound as though he was very lucky. to get off so lightly.
These crashes are why I do not like to watch!
I hope you will still be able to make it to the Pine Cone - but Asda cafe sounds like a good back up plan!
It's time for a drink and a shortie biscuit!
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17th March 2018, 23:56
In 2010, when The Tour passed through my village (just 25 Kms after
town of departure), on the road down the village, there is such
a cement division in the middle; Not only was there a marshal on
a pedestal in front of it, but they had also put very wide ribbons along
the whole length of the concrete division, with bales of hay in between
the cement and the ribbons! (the road is wide enough)

And, just as a coincidence, Mark Cavendish won that stage which ended at Geugnon, South east to us on their way to the Alps.
19849 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 08:55
Good morning, Elle!
Snow overnight here and the wind has not relented!
Other places are worse though, so best foot forward!
Wonder where "best foot forward" came from?
How is the Bromley area for weather?

Good morning, Pigale!
I have not seen any criticism of the organisers for Cavendish's crash?
Can't just be us who see a need for a flag waver at a piece of street furniture, surely?
Anyway, he is not too badly hurt (it was a spectacular crash!) and Cav is a tough cookie....he'll be back!
19850 of 30765  -   Report This Post