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16th March 2018, 19:21
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, all sorted now......and I can now access my corner again!
I must admit that the new set up does look good.
So Miss ATW is off to Australia?
Has she visited there before?
Don't you have cousins living there? or have I dreamt that one up?
My friend and near neighbour has just gone to Brisbane for a month, to visit her niece and family.
I think Autumn has just begun out there.
It is great that you were able to see your granddaughter before she sets off on her trip.
How long will she be away?
We are having a chip shop dinner!!
19811 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th March 2018, 19:36
Hello, Elle!
Yes, she has been to Oz before.
She is going to Adelaide.
Her uncle lives there.
I have two cousins in Oz, three in USA, two in Dublin, one in Gothenburg, and a few in Donegal.
I did not ask how long she would be away.
I had shortie biscuits for my tea!
The squirrelcam appears to be working, again.
19812 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th March 2018, 20:45
Hi, Rusty!
You certainly have cousins in far off places!
Very handy if anyone wants to take a holiday!
Our family mostly live in the UK, but we have friends in NZ, Australia, Spain, France and Canada.
We tend to stick close to home these days though.
We have snow forecast for tomorrow.....from 7am through till 11 at night.
I wonder will it happen?
We shall see what tomorrow brings.
I have lost track of your arrangements with the girls...are you going to the Pine Cone tomorrow?
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16th March 2018, 21:35
Hello, Elle!
I have several cousins here, too!
Yes, the London area is supposed to get snow, I am not sure if I am.
I find it difficult keeping up with the "alerts"!
Now, Miss O texted to me earlier, "Is it Saturday or Sunday we will go to Pine Cone?"
So, I chose Sunday!
Monday is a mystery. La Bamba wants to meet me, but she is in Manchester just now, and will she ever remember, and where and when will we go?
So, I shall forget her about her until Monday!
Pine Cone used to close on Mondays but unsure if they still do?
There is always ASDA cafe!
19814 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th March 2018, 21:47


16th March 2018, 22:16
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, Miss L-B is in Manchester?
As I no doubt will have told you, I used to work at Manchester Royal Hospital in the Haematology Department.
Manchester is about 12 miles from Bolton.
That was a long time ago.......says she, nostalgically.....before I moved down here to work at the Royal Free Hospital (which is where I met my husband)
Both our daughters went to Manchester University.
I hope you don't get the snow, so that you and Miss O can make it to the Pine Cone on Sunday.
I am not certain what we are doing this weekend - we may meet up with younger daughter and family.
But a lot will depend on the weather.
It sounds from the clip you sent, that the cameras are up and running on the osprey nest?
Yet my image still appears to be a recording or some such?
I am rereading "The Thorn Birds" by Colleen McCullough.
Have you ever read it?
There used to be a mini-series based on the book, on television.
19816 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th March 2018, 22:28
Hello, Elle!
Could you explain why it is called the "Royal Free Hospital"?
I do not think I have heard of it.
That clip was in the Daily Record, so I would not put a deal of credibility in the story.
And we know the whole webcam issue is extremely wonky, anyway!
No, I have not read "The Thorn Birds".
But, I discovered something today I did not know (there are millions of things I do not know, and this is one of them!)
You know how shoe sizes work?
6,7,8 etc.
The distance between each size is a measurement called a "barleycorn".
Did you know that?
I bet Kevin Ashman does!
19817 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th March 2018, 22:58
Hi, Rusty!
The Royal Free is a huge teaching hospital in Hampstead, North London.
When it was first founded, its purpose was to offer free healthcare to folk who could not afford to pay for treatment.
Hence, I presume the "Free" part of its name.
The "Royal" bit was granted by Queen Victoria, as reward for the hospital's work with patients suffering from cholera.
There were two branches of the RFH when I worked there - one in Hampstead, and one at Gray's Inn Road , WC1.
There is just the one, much larger, hospital now, on the Hampstead site.
I did not know about a "barleycorn" measurement referring to a shoe size.........
But, yes, I am sure that Kevin does!
19818 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th March 2018, 23:09
Hello, Elle!
The wind is getting wilder up here!
That is very interesting about your hospital!
"Royal" and "Free" did not seem to tie in somehow!
That is what puzzled me.
Here is the bit about barleycorn shoe sizes.
I had not came across this before.
Always learning!
19819 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th March 2018, 23:12