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18th March 2018, 13:17
I think if Laddie sits on that nest he will turn straight round and fly back! Thanks JG, hope the roast was up to standard. My mother made the best roasts ever and I'm still trying to emulate her...
I went for my walk at 7.15 am, and was the first to make prints in the snow. I liked the cold, still world then but the wind has now got up. So I am making a scrapbook of a holiday in Florence 2009 - the skies look a most improbable shade of blue. I wrote a diary and have photos but no sheet of thumb nails so it's a question of Mr. Google and luck. I IDd a photo of a statue of Judith and Holofernes, quite chuffed. If all you have is a picture....
19861 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 14:28
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, we do seem to be fortunate.......our thaw is definitely underway.
I am hoping for a back- to-normal day tomorrow!
I do not like this being confined to barracks......
Walking through fresh snow is one thing.......I quite enjoy that.......but skating about on "ice" is quite another!
I solved the remaining Everyman was quite simple really.
I was just being a tad dense!
I've done the ST puzzle , too, although still two to parse.
Mainly though, I am reading.......
19862 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 16:28
Hi Ros
Yes the roast was excellent .
I made the Yorkshire puddings (to a recipe handed down in the family)
I have just googled Judith and wished I hadn't ! ;)
19863 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 17:51
Hi, Rusty!
My goodness, it is snowing again here!
I had thought we were finished with this.......
However, I doubt it will stick...I think all we can expect are icy pavements tomorrow.
Our road looks clear.
It is bitterly cold.
The poor dog is booked for a bath and a trim at the Groomer's tomorrow afternoon!
Poor thing......
I had waited until the weather had warmed up before arranging this....never expecting a reversion to the previous snowy conditions.
What is happening up your way?
Is it still very windy and snowing?
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18th March 2018, 18:44
JG Not a pretty story, is it? Though Judith is credited with saving a LOT of Jewish lives. I have seen the Caravaggio of the same subject. I think she was an incredibly brave woman; the odds against success were very high.

My sons both went to York uni. They liked neither my Yorkshires or beer brewed in Oxford after that.

Is there a special secret to your family Yorkshires? My mama used to insist the pan things were smoking hot, with the melted lard already in. The lads had Sunday lunch in Yorkshire pubs; Yorkshires the size of dinner plates filled with sausages and gravy, or so they said. I don't think they could afford beef.
19865 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 20:37
Hi Ros
No secret , just the usual batter mix of flour, pinch salt, egg/s and milk. Stand for about 30 mins. The only addition is one or two teaspoonfuls of cold water added to the batter & whisk again just before pouring into the sizzling hot smoking fat.
I use the fat from around the beef joint heated in the Y.P. tins (large ones)
Never ever open the oven door while the puddings are cooking, or they will go flat. They should be about 2 inches high when they are golden brown and ready. The sides and bottoms will be crisp
I don't have it written down, so this is all from memory.
My husband joked he only married me for my Yorkshire Puddings !
19866 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 20:57
Good evening, Elle!
Snow has stopped here, still windy, though.
It is very cold, too.
Hopefully that is the last for the winter!
How is your snow doing?
I am sure your dog, like the rest of us, will be all the better for a bath and trim!
The Loch Garten webcam has gone "live" this evening.
Lot of background noise on it though.
Remember and 'phone your cousin!
19867 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 21:13
I think the secret is in the smoking hot fat and not opening the door. My mother used beef fat as well if she was doing beef.
I finally gave in and turned on the radiator in my bedroom!
19868 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 21:51
Hi, Rusty!
It seems we can expect some "light" snow for another couple of hours before it ceases.
I was wrong about its not sticking though.......we do have a further covering of fresh snow everywhere, in some cases covering patches of ice.
That might prove treacherous tomorrow.
Ah well, very soon, it officially will be Spring!
Psychologically, that may make us feel better!
Yes, I remembered that it was my turn to phone my cousin!
All is well up north, but they have had a lot of snow - far more than we have here.
My cousin very sensibly decided to remain indoors.
All being well, I am planning on my early walk tomorrow.......
Dog groomers in the afternoon.
I wonder will Laddie arrive?
19869 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2018, 22:17
Hello, Elle!
I think I have got off lightly with the latest snow, compared to you folks in the South.
Be nice to see the end of it, though!
Goodness knows about Laddie!
Will have to keep an eye on my Twitter account for any update by the rangers.
At least until they get their camera working properly!
19870 of 30765  -   Report This Post