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27th February 2018, 19:00
Rusty, I nipped in with the answer because I could! (And it'd been a little while since Elle mentioned it, so I didn't want it niggling away at her.)

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27th February 2018, 19:11
Quite right, Malone!
Can't have Elle being puzzled!
Was a good clue too.
A good puzzle today!
19312 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 19:29
Hi, Rusty!
Well, my Latin has let me down.......
It was my best subject at school - and one of my favourites.
But I did not know "scilicet".
O me miserum!
What more can I say......
Thank you for explaining the parse.
I am glad to hear that Miss O has reached home safely!
I shall text my daughter later........
She will either be struggling to get home......or, if there, in the middle of sorting out the children for bed..... right now.
Fortunately she will be working from home tomorrow and Thursday, as she does every week.
So she won't have to cope with the weather or the transport!
We have very little snow left........but the pavements are beginning to freeze
I fear it will be treacherous underfoot tomorrow.

Thank you, too, Malone...I have only just come back on the computer, so couldn't say thank you, earlier.
I am disgusted with myself for not knowing the Latin!
19313 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 19:48
Elle, glad I was able to provide satisfactory parsing!

Rusty - yes, it was a good puzzle today. I haven't looked over the weekend comments on this thread, so this might have been mentioned. Did you see that Richard, the Times crossword editor, responded to comments about Mana sounding like Marner? It was the usual cop-out - even if a solver doesn't pronounce them the same, most solvers are expected to know that they COULD sound the same!
19314 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 20:02
Hello, Elle!
Well, "scilicet/sc" is just something I came across fairly recently.
My knowledge of Latin is practically nil.
But the odd bit of Latin can turn up in a crossword puzzle.
The odd bit of anything can turn up in a puzzle, more like!
But, if you had checked your Bradford's you would have found under "namely "= "IE, Sc, Scilicet, To-wit, Videlicet, Viz".
Probably where I found it some time back.
So, if stuck, check Bradford's, it really is a smashing book!
It is a great help to me, I know that.
Let us hope your daughter is home now!
Our snow is lying and more on the way!

Hello, Jazzgirl, if you are about!
The British Jazzy Potatoes are very good.
You have done well!
Had them in a casserole and it was very good!
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27th February 2018, 20:08
Hello, Malone.
Yes, I read that in the Puzzle Supplement or whatever it's called on Saturday, was it?
I may be mistaken, but I also read, possibly in Rose Wild's column, that Richard Rogan often struggles with these homothingies as he is from Northern Ireland and their speech/pronunciation is quite different, too.
You'd think he'd be on our side, that being the case!
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27th February 2018, 21:13
Hi, Rusty!
I didn't even realise from the wording that I needed to look up "namely" in Bradfords?
I was all at sea with the clue!
Well done for solving it!
I have sent my daughter a text....
It may take a while for her to realise......she keeps her phone set on 'Silent' all the time!
But all must be well, else her husband would have rung us.
It is freezing cold and very icy here.
I shall decide tomorrow whether to go out early morning or not.
My earworm has gone......!
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27th February 2018, 21:36
Hello rusty
I'm pleased you found the jazzy potatoes tasty. Ros said they were good.
I was watching "back in time for tea" (BBC2) earlier with a couple of friends and none of us could remember the name of a Scottish presenter in 1976 whose face appeared on the screen. After my friends left I suddenly remembered it was Fyfe Robertson. Brain fade :(
19318 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 23:15
Hello, Elle!
My first port of call when I am up a blind alley without a paddle, is Bradford's.
An excellent companion!
I am sure your daughter will be fine!
My snow appears to be a couple of inches deep and more to come.
Police Scotland are threatening a Red Alert, meaning the weather could be a threat to life!
I sincerely hope not!
19319 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 23:34
Hello, Jazzgirl!
My casserole was very good, and I am by no means a cook!
Can't really go wrong with a slow cooker.
I certainly remember Fyfe Robertson!
He wrote books, too, some about California, as I recall.
When you mentioned him, another Scot came into my mind, too.
Dr John Grierson?
He made a documentary series for STV called "This Wonderful World".
He possibly coined the word "documentary". Not sure, though.
I always remember the way he signed off every week.
"And now, to my friends in the Highlands, the Lowlands, and over the Border, a very goodnight".
He made the film about Night Train from London to Scotland, that somebody wrote a poem about.
I liked him!
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