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27th February 2018, 10:11
Good morning, Elle!
Good you are getting out and about!
Had a bit of snow but it is disappearing.
Not as cold as it was, though.
I have no plans today.
Been to shop and bought one or two extra items "just in case", the snow prevents me getting out as the week goes on.
Did you know that Bing played in the British Amateur Golf Championship at St Andrews one year?
Bob Hope played the next year, possibly in Wales?
File this under "Useless Info"!
19291 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 10:55
Hi, Rusty!
It is good that your snow is fast disappearing!
Ours is just arriving.......
I do not think it will last.
Our fridge and freezer are well stocked though , so we can "hole up" if necessary!
I may well have known that fact about Bing once upon a time....I have read his biography.
But that was a long time ago.
I may well hunt it out and read it again.......
Do you remember my buying Jo Pavey's book "This Mum Runs"?
I was saving it to read at Christmas?
I put it somewhere "safe" await that pleasure......
And now I cannot find it!
Oh dear!
19292 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 11:05
Hello, Elle!
You have lost Jo's book?
You and your senior moments!
In your Bing bio, does it say where the name "Bing" came from?
Our snow has stopped but more on the way.
I think it is getting colder though!
19293 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 11:17
See my post on ollyblue's thread ? I agree with you on the "shoulder steak" but we never called it such, just chuck or blade. I can see why the northerners and others would have called it shoulder steak as that is exactly what it is .
1c here, no snow
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27th February 2018, 11:46
Hi, Rusty!
I think my "senior" moments are in danger of being upgraded to "senile" ones....!
I have just searched for Bing's biography ..... I only came across it the other I wonder where that was??
I cannot remember the exact details of how Bing inherited his "title" have looked it up in Wikipedia for you!
As copied and pasted:
"In 1910, seven-year-old Harry Crosby, Jr. was forever renamed.
The Sunday edition of the Spokesman-Review published a feature called "The Bingville Bugle".
Written by humorist Newton Newkirk, The Bingville Bugle was a parody of a hillbilly newsletter, filled with gossip, minstrel quips, creative spelling, and mock ads.
A Crosby neighbor, 15-year-old Valentine Hobart, enjoyed reading "The Bugle", and noting Harry's laugh, took a liking to him and called him "Bingo from Bingville".
Eventually, the last vowel was dropped and the nickname "Bing" stuck.
There you go...!
Have you done your crossword?

JG.. Quite so...why call a "spade" a "digging implement"?
19295 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 12:29
PS Elle
My inherited Mrs Beeton from c1884 shows graphic diagrams of beef cuts (there are plenty on google too) and she shows chuck and blade and other terms that are no longer used. I don't know how far back these words go, but at least to Victorian era. I have a meat pie in the oven
19296 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 12:54
Hello, Elle!
I have never heard that story about Bing.
Well done!
Yes, I have finished my puzzle.
A good one!
10a, and 28a, are new words to me!
And 23d means something quite different in my neck of the woods!
Surprised Mr Rogan accepted it!
But, good satisfying puzzle, for me, anyway.
19297 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 14:14
Hi, Rusty!
We have serious snow!
Since we last spoke, it has been snowing solidly.......
All is now white and the snowflakes are massive!
I wonder if it will stick......
I have been visited by my friend from next door!
She came bearing gifts... a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates....
Can I be bought?
"sapor" was new to me , too, but doable?
I couldn't do 28a though
I have no idea?
Nor could I do 18a: S?E?T / ?L???
nor 16d: H???U?T?N
I especially liked 9a "Las Palmas"; 8d: "Sire" and 21a: "opportunistic"
I had ever heard of "pish".
I still have my earworm...
19298 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 14:16
Never......heard of pish!
19299 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 14:32
Hello, Elle!
Just the odd snowflake here.
Seems bad down Kent way according to the news.
28, is an old scorer/composer, Dukas.
Never heard of him.
18, is "scent gland". I had "sweat" for a while!
From memory, 16, is "Hindustan"
Up here "pish" means "urine" or "nonsense".
I am heading out to do a couple of chores.
I shall return!
Who said that?
19300 of 30765  -   Report This Post