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27th February 2018, 14:44
Hi, Rusty!
Douglas MacArthur!
Talk when you come back.........
19301 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 15:27
Dukas is one of those composers known almost exclusively for just one piece, in this case the Sorcerer's Apprentice. If you saw Mickey Mouse frantically (and impossibly) trying to sweep up, he wrote that music.

My only memory of "I shall return" was Blackadder, who added "interphrastically", which was , of course, made up!

Large white flakes here, too, but snow not lying for long
19302 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 16:18
Hello, Elle!
Snow was wild here for a while!
Just falling steadily now.
Hope the young ones get home safely, though the roads seem fine so far.

Hello, Rosalind!
I was thinking of General McArthur!
He was ordered out of the Philippines by President Roosevelt to prevent him being captured by the Japanese.
Two years later he waded ashore with his men at Leyte Island and said "I have returned".
I did not know Baldric had said it too!
19303 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 16:25
Blackadder hmself!

Must have been wonderful, that moment "I have returned"!
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27th February 2018, 16:44
Hello, Rosalind,
The return of McArthur was a bitter/sweet moment.
He had abandoned his starving troops and female nurses to be captured by the Japanese.
He had told them he was going, but help was on the way (a blatant lie)
Many senior admirals in the US Navy refused to serve under him.
General Eisenhower urged the President to get rid of him.
He was no hero, in my book.
19305 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 16:59
Well, it is not snowing here, but we may have some tomorrow
afternoon, according to the Met: I don't think it will last and
looks like it will pass through the night to reach the north coast
if France on Thursday morning.
I reckon your present lot comes from another direction!

It is bitterly cold though - I had to go out with a friend, quickly
to pick up something, and he said that when he went to work
at 5am, (!) it was minus 8C.
It is already minus 5C now with that biting wind and we should
hit a low of minus 9 or 10C in the night.
But then the next day, (Thursday), it will be sunny and +9C !
This weather is mad!
19306 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 17:36
Hi, Rusty!
I have been out in the garden playing with the dog!
Our snow is beginning to melt.
I shall never build a snowman.....
Now I can parse "Hindustan" = Asian region.......
H - hard
indust (ry) - work minus railway
And I can also see how to arrive at "Dukas"......
But I cannot understand how to get "scent gland"?
Please can you explain?
I hope your grandchildren have no problem travelling home......
My daughter has not phoned me today, as she usually does on her way home
I suspect the travelling is disrupted.

Hello, Pigale!
Goodness , your temperatures are very low....I hope you wrapped dup well when you went out.
Minus 3 has been our lowest.
19307 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 18:19
Elle, Scent Gland is...
SC = namely, scilicet (Latin) T, the first letter (primarily) of 'that'. The country is England. 'Found in' = put the T in, so En t gland.

Sc en t gland.
19308 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 18:32
Hello, Elle!
Our snow looks like staying!
Sorry, I should have helped with you parsing!
So, it is "scent gland".
I had "sweat gland" for a while until I worked out what it should be!
"Namely" often means the Latin word "scilicet", which is usually abbreviated to "sc".
"That" primarily is the letter "t".
The country is "England".
That should give you the cause of the "beastly smell", "scent gland"?
Hope your daughter gets home OK.
Miss O is not home yet.
She works twenty miles away and I hope the roads are OK for her, though the snow is still falling!
Going to be worse tomorrow!
19309 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th February 2018, 18:54
Hello, Elle!
Just noticed that Malone came to your rescue, too!
Still snowing here, but Miss O is home safely!
19310 of 30765  -   Report This Post