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26th February 2018, 11:57
Thanks JG

This is what my mother-in-law said about "Send in the Clowns".

It was originally a circus expression, in particular in case an acrobat (without a safety net, or perhaps even with one) fell. The clowns would distract the audience and especially the children from the business of removing the patient or body. As far as I can remember, the song was expressing a young acrobat's knowledge that she was dying from her injuries.

Maybe you knew all that, or it's part of a film or musical I know nothing about, since I don't watch either.
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26th February 2018, 12:08
Hello, Elle!
I would suspect the snow covered cars were from further North, rather than towards Aberfeldy to the West.
But who knows!
Had they parked at ASDA i would have asked them what neck of the woods they were from!
How is Sally taking to life on the edge of the "Hielands"?
This is nothing to do with your Thames water meter mannie, but I read over the weekend that we should all decline the "smart meters" the electric and gas folk are determined to have us use.
I think it was in one of the "Money Saving" forums.
Said they are nothing but trouble and you need wi-fi for one.
Yes, my son is back in harness today.
He texted to me earlier.
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26th February 2018, 12:44
Hello Ros
Back from my brief shopping trip......
Your mother-in-Law's explanation seems the most logical .
I have been searching again and I found this from a theatrical site :

"" During the 19th century when circuses were important entertainments, there were many acts where people literally risked their lives'- high wire, etc. When someone fell or was injured or even killed, calls of "send in the clowns" were heard- meaning, distract people from the tragedy. ""

There are some talented and knowledgable people in your family

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26th February 2018, 13:34
Hi, Rusty!
Sally is loving life up in Aberfeldy as is Peter and also the two dogs!
The 'children' are still at college /work down this way, so, for a time, will only be there in the holidays.
Remember, though, it is not new to them......this was her mother's house.
I think I said to you quite recently that you are now in a position to refuse to have a smart meter installed, as they are no longer mandatory.
Unfortunately, though, when the smart meters were fitted in our area, we had no option but to accept them.
That situation has now changed
(I wonder if by the same token, we can now have them removed?)
The Thames Water chap duly arrived......dead on time...very impressive.
It seems we have what is called a "Customer Side" leak.
The newly installed water meter is registering an excessive use of water, when in fact none is being used!
Consequently, I have had to phone Thames Water Board to report this, and an official will duly come out to investigate.
Grrrrh! What next?
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26th February 2018, 14:09
Thanks Jazzgirl

That ties in, most satisfactory. I did originally even write "tightrope walker" as well as acrobat but then thought "How could they do that in a Big Top?".
I like your choice of potatoes as well. Jazzy is a second early and very good.
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26th February 2018, 16:05
Hello, Elle!
I am sure Sally will be fine at Aberfeldy.
A part of the world I like a lot.
I have not heard of smart meters being removed but it will be physically possible, I suppose?
Let us hope the Thames Water Folk find out where the leak is.
Not a good thing to have.
I agree with the "send in the clowns" theory of distracting attention from circus mishaps.
A fallen trapeze artist, or an escaped lion eating some of the audience.
Makes good sense, I think.
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26th February 2018, 17:12
My cousin in the Var has just sent me a short video taken from her window. It is snowing in Cavalaire, even by the coast is hard to believe and the temperature has dropped to Zero
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26th February 2018, 17:27
Hi, Rusty!
Our snow here has completely disappeared for the time continued snowing for most of the day, but failed to settle after the first covering.
The sky however is now darkening dramatically and I fear another onslaught ......
My daughter has just phoned on her way home from work and it is snowing in the part of London where she is.
Oh dear! I am envisaging a rampaging lion attempting to eat the audience........
It has - to digress somewhat - put me in mind of "The Lion and Albert" written by Marriot Edgar.
I used to be able to recite that all the way through!
Here is a link to Stanley Holloway delivering the monologue.......
Stanley Holloway - The Lion And Albert - YouTube
I like it!
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26th February 2018, 18:03
Love The Lion and Albert, elle. One of my sons (if nor both) had to learn it off by heart for a primary school show
"and proved it by showing his cap" LOL
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26th February 2018, 18:22
Re: Albert
I've had to change 'the finest that Woolworths could sell' to 'the finest that Poundland could sell'!
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