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20th May 2017, 17:01
Hello, Elle!
I think you are missing the point that Paddy P is not judging how good or not these acts are. They are running a "book" and that book is formed by the money being placed on each act.
Looks like, just now, the Missing People act are being backed.
i would not place a bet now, because many acts have not appeared yet.
But for interest, Paddy's leading odds are, Missing People 11-5, Sarah Ikumu 3-1, Angelicus Celtis 9-1, Tokio Myers 9-1, Angara Contorton 9-1.
Up to now, it is Angelicus Celtis and Mr Williams for me!
There is vast scope for improving Simon's appearance!
13831 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th May 2017, 19:13
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I could very well be missing the point!
I am not good at understanding betting!
But I think I perhaps put it very badly.
I meant to say that I was surprised that sentiment surpassed ability?
But I wasn't meaning to imply that the decision was Paddy Power's; I understand (I think?) that it is the opinion of those placing the bets?
It is confusing for me!
I meant to tell you that I finished the 15 x15 this morning - all bar a few parsings, but I am still battling with these, so will not ask for help yet!
I look forward as usual to the Everyman tomorrow - I like that !
13832 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th May 2017, 21:31
Good evening, Elle!
The rain has stopped and it is a lovely evening!
Betting is fairly simple.
The more money placed on a horse, say, the shorter the odds will become. The horse with most money on, is the favourite.
Well done on the puzzle.
The parsings are fairly straightforward, though I had to go to Dictionary to find the meaning of one word.
I am sure you will manage!
13833 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th May 2017, 22:13
Hi, Rusty!
I have watched BGT and recorded "Casualty" for later.
BGT provided a very varied programme tonight; there were three acts that I thought good.
One was a magical act, but it was unusually amazing!
I am not sure if I 'liked' it, but it was certainly incredible!
And very (apparently) dangerous!
I shall say no more until you have watched for yourself!
I shall be interested to hear what you think of it all?
Just one clue left to parse....I managed eventually to solve the others!
I'm glad I persevered!
9d: Diamonds one's put in frame for sweeping (14)
Indiscriminate = sweeping (def)
But I cannot parse the rest?
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20th May 2017, 22:17
Hello, Elle.
I watch BGT on Sunday mornings,.
Put in frame is "incriminate".
"D" for diamonds.
It is abbreviated to "d" in bridge and other card games.
One's is "1s" becoming "is".
Hows that?
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20th May 2017, 22:45
Great, Rusty!
Thank you for the parse.
I could not see any of that!
I am pleased with myself, though, about solving the others with which I'd previously struggled!
( Even if it did take me "all day"!)
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20th May 2017, 22:54
Hello, Elle!
Yes, but you are getting better all the time, and filing away little bits of info, like the cricket terminology that often appears.
You are always learning.
I could not parse 23a for a while, "not wanting zip" threw me for ages, until I discovered in Chambers that "zip" in US slang means nothing or nil.
So then I twigged it was the nothing "o" in the word "not" that had to be removed, or wanting, as the setter had it, to give "neglige n t".
That clue took me a while because I did not know zip meant nothing!
But I have filed it away now!
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20th May 2017, 23:20
Hi, Rusty!
You always manage to say the right thing!
That was heartening, because I had managed to do 23 across - negligent - with no problem!
I guess we all take on board different things at different times!
And, as you say, hopefully absorb them and remember them for the future!
I do not like to give in, though, and often, like today, will persevere for most of the day off and on, rather than admit (eventual) defeat!
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21st May 2017, 08:00
Good morning, Elle!
Lovely morning here!
There, you see, you sailed through "neglige(e) n t" while I found troubled water!
I should have consulted Anne Bradford sooner, perhaps!
Good luck with Everyman.
Now I am going to watch BGT to see what I make of it!
13839 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st May 2017, 09:27
Good morning, Rusty!
And what a beautiful one it is, too! Sunny and warm.
The dog and I have been out briefly, but later in the day we shall all go out for a longer is certainly not a day for staying indoors!
We may take a picnic!
Have you finished watching BGT?
What did you think?
Right, a coffee and the "Everyman" now......
13840 of 30765  -   Report This Post