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18th May 2017, 22:56
Hello, Elle!
My son and his wife are going to Florida, USA, for two weeks.
Misses O and La Bamba are in charge of me until he returns,
The butcher's meals are excellent!
22, The ambassador is HE (His Excellency),
The international representative is a "cap".
Giving "c HE ap" for crude.
25, Land is "get" as in obtain or win.
Northern is N.
Giving "ge N t" for cove/man.
It was quite a good puzzle today.
13791 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2017, 23:09
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, that is where they went last time they were away, isn't it?
I seem to remember them also going to a nearby island for part of the time?
Re the two clues.....
I can see "gent" now that you have explained it, but I would never have thought of "cove" in that respect.
And I can see "HE" for "ambassador" in the other clue....but where does "cap" come from?
Am I missing something obvious here?
13792 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2017, 23:15
Hello, Elle!
Yes, they love Florida.
The go once a year now.
Now "cap".
I thought you may have known that.
Anyways! At one time (maybe still happens, I do not know) players who were chosen to represent their countries at certain sports, including football and Rugby Union, were given an actual cap, usually embroidered with a tassel etc for being so honoured.
Over time, the actual player was often referred to as a "cap".
Being "capped" for your country was a great honour.
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18th May 2017, 23:17
Hello, Elle,
I think Chambers explains "cap" a bit better than me!
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18th May 2017, 23:20
And Brewer's certainly does!
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18th May 2017, 23:30
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, thank you.
Yes, I see now.
"International representative" is a "cap".
That was well over my head. (Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a pun)
I have just started the last of Miss P's books.
I meant to ask you if your own "Omnibuses" are illustrated with rough sketches?
The ones in my copies are very cleverly drawn - and are described at the beginning of the books as " Decorations by Douglas Hall".
They are really very good and are scattered throughout the chapters.
They depict the goings-on very well.
I have never heard drawings being described as "decorations", before?
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18th May 2017, 23:45
Hello, Elle!
My Omnibus did not arrive and Julie refunded my money.
None of my books have arrived yet!
So, I can not help with "decorations" other than to say Chambers does not list "drawings" under "decorations".
The "cap" thing is fairly well known, I would have thought, and I think it was a fair clue.
I came across an article about "Miss Peckwitt", but it was about her under her real name of "Comber".
These children were close neighbours of her and Mr Peckwitt!
They say she was a very nice lady indeed and she encouraged their writing and occasionally gave them a chocolate orange!
I do not think there would be much in the way of chocolate oranges on Bruach!
13797 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th May 2017, 10:29
Good morning, Rusty!
Another dreich day!
Just back from my walk with a very poggy - and consequently ecstatic - dog!
She loves being muddy!
I didn't realise that the book that failed to reach you was The Second Hebridean Omnibus!
But you have others by Miss P on order, so maybe they will contain these particular illustrations?
I wonder, though, will that depend on the publisher? My volumes are published by 'Arrow'.
Let me know about that when they come - I think the sketches are very descriptive and enter into the spirit of the tales.
Right, coffee and at least one crossword before I knuckle down to some chores!
13798 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th May 2017, 10:51
Good morning,Elle!
Another fine day here.
I have other books of Miss Peckwitt to come, hopefully today.
Mr Peckwitt is called "Ted".
There are one or two of her books on YouTube.
I think they are called "audiobooks"?
I am off out for a dander.
I had a look at Times crossword puzzle.
Could be tricky today!
Nothing jumping out at me!
13799 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th May 2017, 10:58
Anywhere there are chocolate oranges is somewhere I am avoiding!
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