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19th May 2017, 18:48
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad you enjoyed your steak dinner! It sounded delicious!
Liver and bacon with mashed potatoes, and onion gravy, is on our menu tonight.
Now........I have been doing some investigating.
As far as I can ascertain, Lillian Beckwith has only written seven books in the Hebridean 'series', the last one being one of those you have just ordered... "Bruach Blend".
So this is now the only one that I have yet to read!
I have ordered it from ebay for £2.03 , free p&p. Good condition.
I have also chosen a novel by her, called "A Shine of Rainbows", about a small boy who is adopted and then taken to live on a lonely Hebridean island.
( Apparently, this was also made into a film.)
1p from Amazon. Very good condition from W of B.
I think I have done well?
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19th May 2017, 19:30
Hello, Elle!
Liver and bacon is very tasty!
Yes, you should always check eBay.
The prices there are often cheaper than Amazon.
Yes, you have done well!
She has written several novels but I have never tried any.
I have started "Crowdie and Cream", which is about a boy growing up on Harris (where the tweed comes from).
Miss La Bamba and me are going for a bacon roll tomorrow!
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19th May 2017, 20:15
Hi rusty

I'll have to find "Crowdie and Cream" - we loved Harris when we went there. I really enjoyed "The secrets of the sea house", also set on Harris
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19th May 2017, 20:48
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, dinner was very good!
I love liver with lots of thick onion gravy.
I do check ebay, Rusty, but I go with Amazon if I can, as I have an account there - family and friends give me vouchers and gift cards, you see - and so it works out "cheaper" for me to buy books from there, as I'm not actually paying for them.
I will let you know what I think of Miss P's novel about the young boy.
I am looking forward to reading it.
I am glad that you like Douglas Hall's "decorations"!
The seventh book, "Bruach Blend", is also published by Arrow , so I expect I shall find his drawings in there, too.
Time now to watch "15 to1"............
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19th May 2017, 20:50
Hello, Chris,
I have the Omnibus edition.
"Crowdie and Cream", "Crotal and White", and "The Corncrake and the Lysander".
Just tried a few pages but I think it will be very good!
Try Amazon or eBay.
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19th May 2017, 20:53
It is 1p on Amazon plus p&p.
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19th May 2017, 20:57
Thanks, rusty - ordered.

Do try "The secrets of the sea house". It explains mermen!
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19th May 2017, 21:41
It looks a good read, Chris.
I shall save it in my wee list!
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19th May 2017, 21:49
Hello, Elle!
My gift card credit has ran out on Amazon.
Time I had another birthday!
Yes, the "decorations" are in the three books that came today.
They are good!
They go well with Miss Peckwitt's tales!
Though I think if a setter had "decoration" for "drawing" we would be hollering "foul play!"
Going out with TWO granddaughters tomorrow.
This will be expensive, I fear!
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19th May 2017, 22:20
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, the Gift card/ voucher credit goes very quickly, doesn't it?
"Because it's there" I tend to spend more freely than if I didn't have an account!
Although I do think I pick wisely (and frugally where I can!)
My birthday and Mothers' Day have gone will probably be Christmas before I am given any more Gift cards!
I only have just over £5 left now!
How long do you have to wait for your birthday? Which month does it fall in?
But don't forget there is Fathers' Day coming up soon on June 18th.
Maybe your sons will give you Amazon vouchers for that!
Who else is going out with you and Miss L-B tomorrow , is it Miss O?
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