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24th May 2017, 10:08
Good morning, Rusty!
It is good to hear from you.
I am just back from the park
We have a lovely day here - blue sky, sunshine, and a temperature in the mid-twenties already!
Thank you for enquiring about my conjunctivitis!
I have chloramphenicol drops from the chemists, and my eyes are much better now.
I have had a quick look at the ospreys' nest...... the two chicks are developing nicely - they are very keen on their food!
Reading today's blog, the Rangers do not seen to think that the third egg will hatch now at this late date.
A pity if so ....but at least there are two healthy babies.
Yes, it will be good if Laura does take part in the next Diamond far is Oregon from Arizona?
About a thousand miles or so?
Right, I'd better go and offer the gardener a cup of tea!
(I think I told you that we are having all our fencing replaced?)
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24th May 2017, 11:22
Hello, Elle!
Good to hear your eyes are mending.
i think I read somewhere last week that the Loch folk thought it was the third egg which hatched, and the second egg had not.
But, I have not read the blog for a day or two.
I am sure Nike will have first class travel arranged for Laura if Oregon fits in with her plans.
Yes, keep in with the gardener!
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24th May 2017, 11:58
Hello Elle,

Snap - I have three men (father and grown-up two sons) working in the garden right now. I waited until now to call them so that they
could cut the Spring heavy growth right down. Had I done it earlier
they would have had to come back every two weeks!

With three machines working, the cats have gone in hiding!

Luckily, though it is warm, it is a little overcast to day - We are due to
reach the 30C bracket by Friday I think.

Re the ospreys - I too think that the middle egg is sterile. a pity, but such is nature.

On the Barn Owl site, six (or perhaps even 7) eggs have hatched
and the last three to hatch are so small - I fear they will not make it through - the parents simply cannot cope with feeding them.
As they grow, they need several voles a day each! Better to
have four strong chicks, and the mother is giving the biggies
preferential treatment. Hard, but it is very much a case of
survival of the fittest.

Hello Rusty, my best wishes to you
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24th May 2017, 13:15
Hi, Rusty!
I am snatching a moment to answer you in between playing with my youngest grandson!
YB and his mum are visiting us at home today (instead of she and I going out to lunch) so that I can liaise with the landscape gardener.
And, of course, I am "tea-lady"!
The garden is "out of bounds" - no fences and a lot of mess - so we are playing with indoor toys!
My book by Miss P - "A Shine of Rainbows" - has arrived this morning.
I am looking forward to seeing what she makes of a full -length novel.
How are things at your end?
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24th May 2017, 20:42
Hello, Elle!
Just the same here.
How does your garden grow?
Getting on fine?
I am sure your new book will be fine.
Miss Peckwitt tells a good tale.
Laura Muir is in the 1500 metres in Oregon.
A Kenyan lady is favourite to win, though.
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24th May 2017, 23:08
Good evening, Rusty!
"With pretty maids all in a row....."
David is doing a good job!
We have one side three-quarters re-fenced
The hardest part for him was most probably removing the old concrete wall that was all down one side.
It was heavy work.
We have a skip arriving tomorrow, so it can all be "dumped" in there.
His son will also be here tomorrow to help.
The trellis and climbing plants will be reaffixed to the new fence
It will look very smart when finished!
(There is a makeshift "fence" along the open bit for now to contain the dog!)
Oh, I am glad that Laura will be running at Oregon.
It is nice to have a GB interest.
I suppose Laura will be up against Helen Obiri and Kipyegon (cannot remember her surname?)
So which of the two is favourite?

Hello, Piglae!
My humble apologies for not answering you sooner!
I meant to return to the computer after my daughter and grandson had left, but have been busy in the garden until it went dark......and then I had dinner ...and fell asleep!
I have only just returned to the computer to check for messages
Is it the 'middle' egg that is supposedly sterile?
All the blog said was the "third" egg?
I wasn't sure whether that meant the last deposited...or the last unhatched!
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25th May 2017, 10:08
Good morning, Rusty!
Another lovely day....and hotter than ever!
Sorry, I seem to have lost a line in the sending....that last post should have read...
"With silver bells, and cockle shells,
And pretty maids all in a row."
I don't know what happened there!
The fencing is coming along well - and the trellis and flowers are surviving the upheaval - so far!
I am going out later so will leave my husband in charge of the tea -making!
I hope things are improving for you.......
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25th May 2017, 10:22
Good morning, Elle!
It is very hot here, for me, anyway!
Good your garden is coming along!
My situation is unchanged.
May take a couple of weeks to resolve.
I just pop on here from time to time.
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25th May 2017, 10:36
Good Morning Elle,

I read the blog entitled 'An exciting day at the Loch ' dated 19th May and they say that from colouration of the egg, they think that the egg that had hatched the previous day was egg No 3 - they don't know whether it was No 1 or No 2 which seems to be sterile.

I hope it is not too hot for your gardener - It is already very warm

I am pleased with the way the garden is looking - don't know how
long it will stay as good though!
But one of the cats got so frightened with all these machines
that she did not return home until midnight! I was very worried!

Enjoy your day
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25th May 2017, 10:57
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it is too warm for me, too!
If the temperature rises above 23C, I wilt!!
The dog has far more energy than I have in this heat!
But at least it is dry for the gardening processes!
You didn't say which Kenyan was tipped for favourite in the Women's 1500m at Oregon?
I tried googling but to no avail.......
Although I am naturally gunning for Laura!
Just keep in touch when you can.......

Hello, Pigale!
Oh, I didn't see that blog - I read yesterday's in which they just referred to the "third egg".......
Yes, I think the gardeners - father and son - are bound to become very warm!
But i am supplying tea at regular intervals - their beverage of choice!
The fencing will be nice when finished!
I am pleased to hear that your own garden is looking good!
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