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17th May 2017, 21:25
Hi, Rusty!
I agree with you; I do not think truth probably plays a big part in Miss P's tales.......after all, she moved away to another Isle ......but in her stories she is still there in Bruach!
None -the -less , she tells amusing anecdotes , mostly harmless, and they make good reading.
I have just watched Laddie bring some food to the nest.
He fed some to Lassie..... and baby chick reared up excitedly for his/ her share!
Baby is growing very quickly!
What kind of "to - dos" are on your list? Anything nice?

Hello, Chris!
Yes, I saw your message on the other thread.
I keep getting this interference on the webcam viewing. The first few seconds are fine, then a kind of mist covers half the picture.
13781 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th May 2017, 22:03
Hello, Elle,
Miss P crafts a good tale, granted, but she appears to look down on the locals, all of them.
A snob, I think, and a stranger to the truth.
Laddie will have his work cut out catching fish for the brood.
I think the success rate for a catch is around 1 fish in 3 attempts, or maybe 4.
Hard work!
My "to-dos" are pretty mundane.
I see the GP at 8.30 and then have a couple of things to attend to, on the other side of town.
All done by 10.30, I hope.
13782 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2017, 07:51
Good morning, Elle!
Second chick has hatched!
13783 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2017, 10:03
Good morning, Rusty!
I am just back from the park.
It is another lovely sunny morning here and warm already.
Thank you for the heads up about the chick....I went straight onto the webcam site after reading your message.
I saw both chicks very clearly, looking up to mum for food!
It was great to see!
How is your morning going?
Was all okay at the doctor's?
All else accomplished?
Right, a coffee is on the agenda, I think.......
13784 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2017, 11:22
Hello, Elle!
Lovely day here!
Yes, all my "to-dos" are done!
Yes, all good at GP.
My doctor is an Islander, from Tiree.
A very nice young man and we get on well.
How is your site "picture" today?
I get a perfect view.
The osprey family are doing well!
I have even completed my puzzle already.
I have a pile of Guardian cryptics though.
It is "Ladies Day" at Perth Races today.
My granddaughters not happy because they are working and will not manage to attend!
13785 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2017, 12:42
Hi, Rusty!
That is good that you have achieved all on your "to-do" list!
I have a habit of making such lists and then losing the lists! or if it is a shopping list.....I will go out without it!
I think Tiree is a Hebridean island? but I haven't checked that out and could of course (with my Geographical orientation) be wrong!
Yes, I have a good picture of the osprey nest today, but, apart from the once earlier this morning, have not see the chicks.
I think Lassie must be sitting on them to keep them warm?
The Canada goose - in the park - with the four goslings still has all four....despite the constantly attendant heron.
Generally in our local park, we find that the coots make the best parents.
They swim in convoy - a parent t at the head and the tail of the procession, and firmly see off all predators.
The ducks and the geese tend not to be as vigilant.
You are well up with your crossword!
I have only completed the QC so far.
I am saving the 15 x15 till later.
13786 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2017, 15:10
Hello, Elle!
Yes, Tiree (Hawaii of the North) is in the Inner Hebrides.
It is known for it's temperate climate.
The Gulf Stream ensures that snow and frost are rare on Tiree.
It has one of the highest sunshine records in the UK, if not the highest.
it is known for its beautiful white shell beaches.
Your local park has plenty of wildlife it seems!
Another lovely day here!
13787 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2017, 16:24
Hi Rusty!
Our lovely day has sadly deteriorated into heavy rain!
It is much cooler, too.
Yes, our park is very large and has two big lakes and several smaller ponds and a river, so we get a lot of bird life.
The swans usually lay their eggs on the island, so not easily accessible, but even so there has been a lot of egg theft in the past years, and security guards on occasion have been employed to protect the swans' eggs at night.
What a sad world in which we live, that the bird eggs have to be protected against thieves!
Your son will be coming to see you this evening?

13788 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2017, 21:02
Hello, Elle!
Yes, my son was here.
He'll be back on Sunday before he goes on holidays.
He brought me a stewed steak dinner from the butcher.
I am getting spoiled!
It is a lovely evening here!
13789 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2017, 21:53
Hi, Rusty!
Beef last week.....stewed steak are indeed getting well-treated!
( I always think, too, that a meal tastes the better if one hasn't had to cook it oneself!)
So where is your son off to on his holidays?
Are there just himself and his wife going? the girls are remaining at home?
I finally -- after a slowing down over the bottom half -- finished the 15 x15, bar two clues.
I couldn't do the following....
22d: Vulgar ambassador interrupting international representative (5)
and 25d: Land around Northern cove (4)
My two favourites were "prescient " for 28a, and "passerby" for 3d!
Still raining here!
13790 of 30765  -   Report This Post