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17th May 2017, 10:54
Good morning, Elle!
A fine day here!
Yes, that is Anne and Robert Cholawo.
I have not watched Part 2 yet.
It does look a wonderful place, doesn't it?
And a great lifestyle.
Not sure if they have electric?
I would doubt it though.
I shall order her book today.
Yes, the puzzles are in the paper.
The online puzzle is a different one today, it's from 1970.
The Times puzzle in the paper is a qualifying puzzle for the Championship this year.
No sign of the cheeky squirrel today!
Have a nice time with your family!
13771 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th May 2017, 11:08
Elle, update!
Anne Cholawo worked for a London advertising agency before going to
to the Isle of Soay.
It was on Soay that she met her future husband, Robert.
13772 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th May 2017, 16:48
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Home again!
I had a lovely time with my daughter and grandson.
It was great to see them both.
YB gets more enchanting every time I see him!
It is still raining here. You are obviously luckier with the weather!
At least we were in the shops for most of the time, and so I only got wet during the journey home.
A strange business with the crossword.......and why was it different online from in the paper?
And John didn't have any crosswords at all!
A friend has very kindly sent me the online version, and my husband bought the paper for me, so I shall make a coffee and see what I can manage to solve!
Was the 15 x 15 more to your liking today?
What (else) have you been up to?
13773 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th May 2017, 17:19
Hello, Elle!
Yes, it is warm here!
The puzzle was a bit easier today, but I like the tough ones, like yesterday's, better.
It is a strange business with the Times crossword.
The folk who get The Times on line can not enter the Championship, because the qualifier is not on line?
Makes no sense to me.
13774 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th May 2017, 18:17
Hi, Rusty!
I have just watched Part 2 of scenes taken from Robert Cholawo's video diary.
This video diary apparently spans over twenty years of life on Soay.
Part One was beautiful scenery and showed more of an idyll.
Part Two was far more realistic ......showing the hardships involved in such a life.
I think your book will make interesting reading!
You should enjoy it.
When will it arrive?
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17th May 2017, 19:41
Hello, Elle!
I think I will enjoy my book!
I liked the animals!
Soay looks a fine place to live.
It will take about a week to arrive, probably.
How are you and your puzzles coming on?
13776 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th May 2017, 20:38
Hi, Rusty!
I have just looked in on Lassie but cannot see much - the webcam picture is partially obscured again for is like looking through opaque glass.
However, I have read the blog and apparently there is a small hole in the second egg.
This was noticed at 6.40pm, so we may have news fairly soon of a second hatching!
I and my puzzles are not doing too well....
I finished the QC - I nearly always do that first as a warm up - but my brain is sluggish this evening!
I am reading about Miss P......I can see why her friends and neighbours might take offence ..........
She says of one character..... "Fiona was a dear kind old soul........I enjoyed her company , cherishing her presence in much the same way I cherished the presence of the compost heap at the bottom of the garden........"
Both apparently had a certain "staleness" about them!
13777 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th May 2017, 20:43
That's odd again, elle - picture fine for me.

I commented on "lassie" in response to you on the Times thread!
13778 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th May 2017, 20:52
Hello, Elle!
What a horrible think to say about Fiona!
I think Miss Peckwitt has a vivid imagination and truth plays little part in it!
Yes, you can see how they were glad to see the back of her.
The milk of human kindness does not run in her veins!
I have not looked at the loch this night.
I have the wireless on and am making a list of "to dos" for tomorrow.
There has been a chick hatched at Loch Garten, too.
13779 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th May 2017, 21:19
Hello again, Elle!
Just to say I tackled the 1970 Times online puzzle and it was a very poor one, i thought.
This is an example.
"Children's stories" (4)
Answer "fibs".
The modern puzzles are very much better, I think.
13780 of 30765  -   Report This Post