Hi, Rusty!
No, I had never come across the word "gnome" in that context before!
I have just checked my Brewers and it says the same as yours.
Where would we be without Brewers and Anne B?
(up the creek without a paddle?)
I have had so much good use out of them !
The only crossword reference book I have bought that I have never yet had cause to use is Chambers' "Crossword Lists".
I think I made a mistake buying this.....I bought it for 1p, and was very pleased at the time as it seemed to have been unopened!
I can now see why........I have never had reason to open it either!
I am not sure in what circumstances I would have call to use it?
Do you know the book?
My daughter has phoned since last I spoke to you, so I asked her about Windows 10 and "Defender".
She thought it okay provided Defender was ON.
But as she doesn't use Windows herself, she is going to check it out.