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16th May 2017, 15:23
Rusty, I too found today's Times crossword very tough. Still, I found yesterday's far too straightforward... maybe tomorrow I'll get one that's somewhere in the middle?!

I don't think Maria Sharapova necessarily needs a life ban, but I feel she certainly doesn't deserve all these wild cards to ease her back in. She should earn her way back up the rankings.
13751 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2017, 15:44
Hi, Rusty!
Just back from the park.
It is uncommonly warm out - mid twenties! - but is becoming overcast.
Rain is not forecast, but the sky does look threatening.
We met up with some friends, with their two dogs, which was nice.
Have you been out yourself? or are you too busy with the Cycling?
How is it going?
I like Jonathan Edwards; he is making a good career for himself out of commentating, isn't he?
It will be strange without Brendan Foster .
Already he has commentated on his last Marathon, and will retire completely soon - after the World Championships, I think?
I am sure that Steve Cram will miss him.
I haven't attempted the 15 x 15 as yet! (the QC was easyish today)
Maybe I will give it a miss!
If you found it hard, then I shall surely be out of my depth!
13752 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2017, 16:58
Hello, Malone!
Yes, a real brute, The Times, today!
I do not mind that, though.
I think second offenders should get a life ban.
I suspect Roland Garros will give Miss Sharapova a wild card entry, though.
We shall find out at 6!
13753 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2017, 17:09
Hello, Elle!
Been a so-so day here for weather.
No complaints, though, we have had had dry weather for weeks.
Cycling was very good.
Still many "reminders" on the course about the late Scarponi.
He was a very popular rider.
Tom Dumoulin won today, and "G" was second.
"G" rode very well considering his injuries.
He is out of the top ten now, but hopefully will improve, and it is still a long, long, way, to Milan!
Jonathan has impressed me.
He worked very well with Tina Maze at the skiing, and now is doing the same with Sean Kelly at the cycling.
I will miss Big Bren when he retires, whatever about Steve!
A decent man and a fine knowledgeable commentator.
No, have a go at the Times puzzle.
I am sure Malone and me could give you a dig out if required!
13754 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2017, 18:26
Hi, Rusty!
Well, well, well... ...... the French Open Officials have decided against giving Maria a Wild card!
So there is still some justice in the sporting world!
I cannot help but be pleased as I think this is the right - and the fairest - decision.
Yes, Jonathan is one of the good guys.
He has worked hard at whatever he has faced - be it his triple jumping prowess, or his more recent change of career.
He must have had to put in a lot of work and researching to be so up-to -date with all the various sports he is covering now.
Good for him!
I am going to prepare dinner now....
I may get chance to look at the crossword later, but I am full of trepidation at the prospect!
13755 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2017, 18:35
Hello, Elle!
Well done, the French, and Roland Garros!
I am pleased!
Jonathan does appear to work hard at what he is doing and has an engaging personality, well suited for what he is doing on EuroSport.
He had a good rapport with Tina, and seems to be the same with Sean Kelly.
Have a pop at the crossword.
You may surprise yourself and rattle through it!
Lots of feeding going on the Loch today!
13756 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2017, 19:21
Elle, thanks for the Maria update - I'm delighted she's not being given a wild card. I hope you get on well with today's Times Cryptic, as I know we all cope differently with different setters. They're always anonymous on the Times puzzles, but there're definitely several setters who cause me more problems than others. At the same time, though, these setters will be perfectly suited to other solvers. I just take what I get!
13757 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2017, 20:21
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, for once I have an excellent picture from the webcam and was lucky enough to see Laddie arriving with a fish with which he then proceeded to feed Lassie.
Then they both flew off for a few minutes.
Baby chick struggled to sit up, and looked around.
I envisaged a balloon issuing forth above his (or her) head, saying "Hey, there, where's MY dinner?"!
Fortunately Lassie quickly returned and is now feeding him/ her!
I made a start on the crossword but it is not to my liking --- far too hard for me --- or else the compiler and I are living on different planets!
I did like 1d though ("straddle") - and for a little while it gave me hope that I might manage the rest!
But I am not even enjoying the struggle!
So I am reading more about Miss P.
I am learning what to do with a rope......."in case"!
13758 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2017, 20:42
Hello, Elle!
Yes, a lot of fishing and feeding going on.
You may not know 1a, but I seemed to remember it from a Michener book.
HINT! Westward means backward in this clue, or part of the clue.
The travellers are "Roma". Definition is chief.
Do not forget Anne Bradford!
14 a is a song title.
13759 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2017, 20:44
Sorry, Elle!
I forgot to say, 14a is hidden in the clue!
13760 of 30765  -   Report This Post