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12th May 2017, 22:24
Hello, Elle!
it is a worry that it is NHS that is hit.
I would have thought these whizz kids at Cheltenham would trace the culprits very quickly.
I got "Taurus" because of the crossing letters and knew a "house" could possibly be an astrological house, though it took me a long time to realise that when I started doing cryptics.
I had not heard of an astrology house back then!
The homothing meant nothing to me, I'm afraid.
But the setter had other very good clues, so fair play to him/her!
That's good you have your own Onk Or in the park!
A heron would take a gosling given the chance.
13701 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2017, 23:02
I've watched most of Masterchef chrise, and I thought Saliha would win tonight. In fact, you just count the negative comments for each contestant and the one with fewest or none wins. I can't imagine being a junior doctor and having a 2 year old, let alone winning Masterchef.

I don't know about you, but I always think I couldn't eat meat as red as they do. I don't eat much anyway but some of that looked almost revivable! And I prefer food without flowers, however pretty. I noticed Saliha drank orange juice not champagne, the only time I've seen that on Masterchef. Good for her.
13702 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2017, 10:01
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a lovely day here and already very warm.
Wonderful out!
The sun is shining .........."God's in his heaven and all's right with the World" (Browning).........
It is just a pity that it isn't!
The NHS is reportedly working flat out to re-establish its records......and get care for the populace back on track... ....I think this must be the worst hit of all the organisations.
Surely it has to be the one with the severest ramifications.
Anyway, on a lighter note....
You are going out with Miss L- B this morning, aren't you?
What time is she collecting you?
Is it to be brunch or lunch?
I am in need of coffee and then I shall take look at today's crosswords.......
13703 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2017, 10:34
Good morning, Elle!
Had a wee drop of rain earlier. Still overcast!
Let us hope the NHS resolves the attacks on it, and all the other countries involved.
Russia appears to worst hit, they say!
I am being collected at 11 today.
A bacon roll and a natter with Miss La Bamba!
I am a long way from doing a crossword today.
Maybe around tea-time!
Remember the Diamond League from Shanghai later?
Laura Muir won't be there.
She is exploring canyons in Arizona just now!
13704 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2017, 12:38
Hi, Rusty!
I am unsure whether you will be back yet from your outing?
I hope you enjoyed your chat with your granddaughter - and your bacon roll!
I have completed - bar four parsings - today's 15 x 15!
I kept coming back to it in between household chores!
I especially liked 2d and 8d but will say no more as you probably haven' t had the time to look at it yet!
Thank you for the reminder about the Shanghai Diamond League .......
I now have a "Post -it" stuck on the top of my desk -top to remind me!
I have another dog walk to fit in between then and now, but will most probably leave it until about 2 pm.
Hopefully, it isn't going to rain is becoming very dark overhead.
13705 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2017, 15:32
Hello, Elle!
A Tweet from the Loch saying the first chick has hatched!
And 28 across is a very attentive mother!
Just had a wee look.
Yes, La Bamba and me had a nice time and we visited the babies graves at the cemetery, too.
I have finished the puzzle, too!
I thought it was a good one today with none of these alleged homothingys in it!
We have had light rain today and it is not warm.
I have had a refund for my book getting lost.
Will have a wee look later on for something else.
13706 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2017, 16:21
Hi, Rusty!
How exciting to have our very first osprey chick!
Great pics!
I liked your crossword reference!
(It was a good clue, too!)
But there was one homophone though........21a: "seen to" sounds like "scene two".
I liked the clues for "Elias" and "pronounce".
We had some rain here, too, but it hasn't lasted long and the sun is shining again now - still mild here.
We didn't get wet.
I hadn't realised that your book was actually "missing" - I just thought that its arrival was delayed.
I've fortunately not yet had that happen to me.
I forgot to tell you that "Serious" - Mac's autobiography arrived safely mid week.
It's in very good nick.
Shanghai DL coming up soon......
13707 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2017, 16:28
Lordy, Rusty, I can't tell the time!
The DL is at 6 pm not 5!
13708 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2017, 16:51
I've seen the chick!
13709 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2017, 16:53
Hello, Elle!
Yes, "seen to" slipped my mind.
My book was 5 days overdue and Julie refunded my money instantly.
So, I bought another about the Hebrides, called "Crowdie and Cream" by Finlay MacDonald, from World of Books for 1p!
I meant to say, I was very impressed by Miss La Bamba when I was out.
She stopped the car to let a limping pigeon walk across the road to safety.
I am not sure just how "Live" the Shanghai athletics are?
13710 of 30765  -   Report This Post