Good morning, Rusty!
A somewhat damp start to the morning.....although a watery sun is making an appearance now that I am home again.
Have you been out yet for your paper?
Now, Miss P....
I have been doing a little research and it seem her books are described as "semi"- autobiographical, so I guess she has some licence in what she tells us.
You are perfectly correct in saying that "in real life" she and her husband moved to the Isle of Soay and thereby bought a croft......
But I have just begun reading Book Two, and in that she says that she (a middle -aged spinster on her own) bought a cottage and croft fairly nearby Morag's establishment - just outside the village and still on the Isle of Skye!
We shall have to enjoy the tales without worrying too much about their authenticity, I think!
We are invited out for coffee this morning......we are going to visit our (ex) neighbour who is now living with his daughter.
Thank you, Ros.
I should like to say that I now understand...but to be honest, despite your kindly taking the trouble to explain, I am not very much the wiser!