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8th May 2017, 13:03
Hi, Rusty!
I have heard mention of the "Wee Frees" from both you and my Scots cousins, but really know very little about the church?
I did, however, once manage to answer a crossword clue regarding the 'association', based on what little knowledge I did have!
Good, eh?
We have made an appointment tomorrow to see the bank manager regarding one of our is incredible what we shall need to prove who we are.
Passports....utility bill....... National Insurance numbers......
You name it, we have to produce it!
I suppose it is to the bank's credit that there is supposedly no room for imposters to access our (not so very important) account!
The upshot, though, of all this is that I have noticed that our passports have just expired!
Heyho! Now more legalities to sort out!
I am glad to hear that you are back to normal!
13641 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2017, 13:57
Hello, Elle!
Only a Wee Free would confine a cockerel in an upturned creel to ensure no "hanky panky" on the Sabbath!
There will be more of their "ways" to uncover as you journey through the tales. Like the local store not selling food on the Saturday evening to ensure no cooking on the Sabbath!
I remember one time my boys and me rented a caravan on the shores of Loch Ewe (nearest neighbour a mile away).
There was a notice pinned up in the caravan forbidding hanging out a washing to dry on the Sabbath!
Honest to goodness.
I am still a bit surprised the Wee Frees allow breathing on the Sabbath!
I think your bank is just following procedures and the money laundering guidelines/rules.
I wondered at first about the NI numbers, but HMRC need info too, in certain cases.
All pretty straightforward.
13642 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2017, 14:44
Hi, Rusty!
Do not mention the HMRC to me......
Nothing to do with the HMRC is ever straightforward!
They are the biggest bunch of criminals I have ever come across!
Despite our Appeals being upheld and the HMRC finally conceding their error and acknowledging that there are no outstanding debts after all .......we are still figuratively fighting off Debt Collectors!
If I had my way, I would sue the lot of them!
But my solicitor didn't think it was a good idea!
Back to Miss P....she wanted to put Ruari under the creel, too, with the cockerel..... but I think this was because of his extreme loudness (due to his being deaf) rather than to his roistering ways and any suggestion of "hanky- panky" on the Sabbath!
I am away out now with the dog...back in a little while.......
13643 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2017, 15:03
At Edinburgh in the 1960s I could not borrow my landlady's iron on a Sunday and children did not play in the areas behind the houses. At Applecross in Western Scotland we could not drink at all, nor go to the beach on a Sunday. MacBraynes did not operate on the Sabbath, but did come back to the quayside for us when we just missed the last boat to Applecross on a Saturday!
13644 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2017, 15:17
Hello, Elle,
Staying out of court is the best idea.
I agree with your solicitor.
HMRC have to know about financial goings on in case there could be tax owed them.
That's why they need NI number.
I'll tell you a tale that is not in your book about the Wee Frees.
One of their members was Lord Mackay of Clashfern, who at the time was Lord Chancellor.
The Wee Frees excommunicated Lord Mackay.
His crime?
He attended a funeral for an old friend which involved attending a Roman Catholic mass.
Myself, I think they did Lord Mackay a favour!
Now you see what the cockerel was up against!
13645 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2017, 17:35
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, it has become very cold!
I could have done with a warmer jacket this afternoon whilst out walking the dog.
We had an invigorating walk though.
And we bumped into an old friend and so caught up on all his family news. That was good.
I have heard of Lord Mackay, although I do not know where Clashfern is?
I did not know that story though!
( Yes, poor cockerel! )
I remember when Jonathan Edwards wouldn't compete in the Triple Jump on a Sunday, because of his religious beliefs.
Initially , that decision played havoc with his Athletic career.
But somewhere along the line, he obviously changed his views.......
Do you know why? that obviously passed me by.
I have only done the Times QC today.
There was a good clue in there...not difficult but it appealed to me.....
Do well reading out two letters (5)
I am sure you will see it straightaway.
I am hungry...must be the cold air......

Hello, Rosalind!
You mention a landlady, so did all this happen when you were at Uni?
It sounds to have been very restrictive?
I remember there being various "taboos" about on what not to do on the Sabbath, when I was younger, but no where near as strict as that.
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8th May 2017, 17:51
I remember a verse from a silly song my father taught me (Cosher Bailey - I think he omitted the more questionable verses!)

If you go down to Wales
Where they sell the best of ales
And you want a drink on Sunday
You will have to wait til Monday
13647 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2017, 18:01
Hi elle
Yes it was while I was at Uni

It was very restrictive. The Applecross visit was a Biological Society trip. 3weeks. Men and women!! WE ALL behaved ourselves! You did then. Oh, I did hold someone's hand!!
We also did a very exhaustive survey of wombats!
And me of Libellula quadrimaculata.
13648 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2017, 18:08
Hello, Elle!
Clashfern is in North West Sutherland.
I do remember Jonathan Edwards not competing.
I think Eric Liddell was the same at the Olympics.
The tale regarding Lord Mackay is well documented.
It is only a year or so that the Wee Frees were debating whether to have music in the church.
There was only singing allowed up till then.
None of your ungodly organs or anything!
No messing with the Wee Frees!
It is still warm and less windy here.
May I suggest "XL" for the letters?
13649 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th May 2017, 20:59
Hi, Rusty!
I have just had an old friend ring was lovely to speak to her......we have been talking on the phone for well over an hour!
We do keep in regular touch, but it is usually by email, exchanging news of the family, sending photos of the grandchildren etc.
So communicating "in person" was a lovely treat!
We are hoping to organise a get-together of everyone at some stage.
I think they have thirteen grand- children?
You mentioned Eric Liddell.
I never saw the film "Chariots of Fire", although obviously I have heard of it.
But I think that Eric Liddell never went against his Christian principles, and always refused to compete in races on a Sunday - indeed I think he made many similar choices.
And he eventually became a missionary, didn't he?
He must have died just before I was born, I think...... not sure of the dates.....
There is bound to be a book about him - I shall take a look on Amazon.
13650 of 30765  -   Report This Post