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message for sallyw 3 nytram 14th July 2011, 16:48
» by barrycat
times cryptic 24901 5 sallyw (aka - the original sallyw) 14th July 2011, 15:28
» by gok wan acolytes
lrigzzaj rof egassem 4 nytram 14th July 2011, 15:24
» by pastille
DM Thurs. Confused? 4 little daisy 14th July 2011, 15:23
» by little daisy
times 933 cryptic 3 molly 14th July 2011, 15:23
» by molly
14d in S. Times 10/7/11 4 wrinkley 14th July 2011, 15:15
» by wrinkley
dt26604 1 bulldog 14th July 2011, 15:14
» by jazzgirl
DM Thurs 7 peppertoe 14th July 2011, 14:58
» by peppertoe
dingbat 4 nytram 14th July 2011, 14:56
» by chelle
DM 9a and 19d 3 dudley 14th July 2011, 14:34
» by dudley
local paper quiz 4 nytram 14th July 2011, 14:33
» by nytram
dt 26604 2 bulldog 14th July 2011, 14:28
» by jazzgirl
Daily Mail Weds - Can anyone help? 15 crypticvirgin 14th July 2011, 14:15
» by chelle
Telegraph Toughie 3 dandelion 14th July 2011, 13:24
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Name the Bird Quiz 9 jazz 14th July 2011, 12:13
» by jazz
D.T 26603 - 17 down 9 anag&lit 14th July 2011, 11:44
» by anag&lit
Evening Post 4 kellimod 14th July 2011, 11:36
» by kellimod
i'm really confusing myself 3 terry as is 14th July 2011, 10:43
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
local quiz - answers are characters or products associated with TV ads 5 nightowl 14th July 2011, 10:19
» by therogue
last few clues for Let's Talk crossword 5 gina 14th July 2011, 09:54
» by jazzgirl
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