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times cryptic 933 9 nytram 13th July 2011, 16:21
» by bullfrog
Jolan's 5 (at 5) 15 jolan 13th July 2011, 15:45
» by jolan
Evening Standard 8/7/2011 3 alsatian 13th July 2011, 15:23
» by alsatian
times jumbo 1 shaun 13th July 2011, 12:45
» by tommy
Daily Mail Weds - logic escapes me! 7 crypticvirgin 13th July 2011, 12:12
» by pip
Name the birds quiz 4 duke 13th July 2011, 09:26
» by duke
Weekend Australian 744 3 rob23 13th July 2011, 07:06
» by rob23
Weekend Australian 744 8 rob23 13th July 2011, 07:05
» by chrisg
Times 24,899 21 shb2 13th July 2011, 05:37
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Daily Record the big one,tues, 7 supergran 13th July 2011, 01:37
» by lucifer sam
registration 7 divebuddy 13th July 2011, 00:51
» by the joker
times a personal favourite 2 nytram 13th July 2011, 00:44
» by trigger
M.o.S.You mag.No.1238. Stuck AGAIN!! 1 dukey 13th July 2011, 00:37
» by mrs grundy
Final Clue DT 26,600 17 lord hawksmill vii 13th July 2011, 00:05
» by anag&lit
Tues Daily Record 2 millie 12th July 2011, 22:00
» by millie
birds 21 cherub19 12th July 2011, 21:55
» by amelia
the big one daily record xword 5 beth 12th July 2011, 20:29
» by beth
Times 2 12th July 2 jilly potter 12th July 2011, 20:13
» by jilly potter
Daily mail 3 megan 12th July 2011, 19:56
» by terry as was
message for sallyw 4 nytram 12th July 2011, 19:32
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
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