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RTE Guide No 29 8 kieros 15th July 2011, 17:04
» by jazzgirl
THINGY2 ---LAST CALL 0 theambler 15th July 2011, 15:59
» by theambler
DM Friday 5 dudley 15th July 2011, 14:14
» by dudley
Finding a thread 49 mrs trellis 15th July 2011, 14:14
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Last Weeks DM 8th July can someone explain 2 squareeyes 15th July 2011, 13:45
» by squareeyes
Daily Mail Friday 11 crypticvirgin 15th July 2011, 12:13
» by crypticvirgin
i cryptic 133 3 bellandme 15th July 2011, 12:04
» by bellandme
WHAT'S UP? 11 tinkerbelle 15th July 2011, 11:43
» by wendy
Daily Mail Friday 4 crypticvirgin 15th July 2011, 11:28
» by terry as was
Times crossword 24,899 3 alsatian 15th July 2011, 07:49
» by alsatian
my name isn't pet food is it? 2 iamme 15th July 2011, 02:36
» by nytram
times cryptic thursday - still unsolved 6 paul 15th July 2011, 02:11
» by the joker
times cryptic 249021 5 paul 15th July 2011, 01:13
» by paul
THEAMBLERS THINGY2 5 theambler 15th July 2011, 00:54
» by pastille
Times 24,901 4 shb2 14th July 2011, 23:11
» by shb2
Daily Mail Thurs - not Weds as previously stated 16 crypticvirgin 14th July 2011, 22:52
» by dicslexy
nytram 1 iamme 14th July 2011, 22:27
» by terry as was
Local quiz - TV ads 33 calliedog 14th July 2011, 22:12
» by siamcat
another dingbat 11 nytram 14th July 2011, 22:03
» by nytram
st4441 2 pweetz 14th July 2011, 17:32
» by pweetz
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