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Irish News 1 tyrone 12th July 2011, 10:16
» by tyrone
Sat Times 24897 2 tyrone 12th July 2011, 10:04
» by tyrone
Guardian Genius 97 2 amtaff 12th July 2011, 07:07
» by amtaff
Spectator 2021 32 chips 12th July 2011, 00:30
» by hypotheses
Recycling crossword 7 tonta 12th July 2011, 00:17
» by tonta
Sat DT 26,600 8 lord hawksmill vii 11th July 2011, 23:40
» by miss scarlet
Sat Times 24,897 5 les40 11th July 2011, 22:53
» by mags
crossword help please 4 amapa 11th July 2011, 22:30
» by amapa
Times cryptic 932 2 mrsp 11th July 2011, 22:28
» by mrsp
Seven Days 4 brenda 11th July 2011, 22:06
» by mags
M on S Sir Lancelot 2 cassie 11th July 2011, 22:04
» by cassie
You magazine 1238 3 johnstephenson 11th July 2011, 20:14
» by johnstephenson
THE WEEK 756 3 petronella 11th July 2011, 20:14
» by les40
Sun Mail Seven Days 2 millie 11th July 2011, 20:13
» by millie
TLS 886 3 miss scarlet 11th July 2011, 19:25
» by rony
bridge? 15 cana-da 11th July 2011, 18:40
» by cana-da
times cryptic 932 5 nytram 11th July 2011, 18:32
» by tonyw
times jumbo 933 cryptic 4 tigerinthezoo 11th July 2011, 18:30
» by mrs grundy
Subday Times 2 10 July 3 jilly potter 11th July 2011, 17:20
» by jilly potter
Wee Stinker 8 dunderheid 11th July 2011, 17:07
» by jaybee
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