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Skeleton 2 alanjames 17th July 2011, 09:08
» by alanjames
times2 934 6 polly 17th July 2011, 08:59
» by the joker
Spoiler Alert. Don't read this if you are doing THEAMBLER THINGY2 31 trevor 17th July 2011, 08:17
» by wendy
cryptic 152 5 whyr 17th July 2011, 07:59
» by whyr
Ditloids 24 tonyw 17th July 2011, 02:32
» by cornishman
cryptic 8 nina 17th July 2011, 02:20
» by paul
Baby Belling 41 pastille 17th July 2011, 01:33
» by trevor
daily record saturday 12 andy from the 'well watp 17th July 2011, 00:00
» by andy from the 'well watp
Times 24903 5 mags 16th July 2011, 23:54
» by mags
Answers contain birds(old or young) 4 ernie 16th July 2011, 23:24
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Times 2 Jumbo 934 4 lollyp 16th July 2011, 23:05
» by tonyw
Telegraph 9 duke 16th July 2011, 22:43
» by big dave
Herald GK Crossword 16/7 3 andyb 16th July 2011, 22:25
» by andyb
Sat Daily Record 5 millie 16th July 2011, 22:23
» by millie
MoSaturday, You Magazine no;1,239 0 wordcross 16th July 2011, 22:07
» by wordcross
Times Jumbo 934 1 cap 16th July 2011, 21:39
» by terry as was
Times 2 Jumbo 934 2 kenbart 16th July 2011, 21:10
» by kenbart
sat times2 934 2 margaret howard 16th July 2011, 21:02
» by tonyw
Herald GK crossword 2 kozmik 16th July 2011, 20:55
» by andyb
DTel 26606 Top right 8 ashley 16th July 2011, 20:54
» by ashley
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