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Guardian Prize 1 lavender 16th July 2011, 15:31
» by jazzgirl
link words 6 susie 16th July 2011, 15:24
» by susie
Link Words 7 julianne 16th July 2011, 15:20
» by harpist
Sat Times 2 4 jan-willem 16th July 2011, 15:17
» by molly
Sat Times 2 934 6 bearit 16th July 2011, 15:11
» by bearit
DM sat 11 emf 16th July 2011, 15:10
» by emf
Spectator 2022 56 rosie 16th July 2011, 14:56
» by cityblue
RMLeake 4 gharbij ihn 16th July 2011, 14:49
» by gharbij ihn
Times 24903 1 rmleake 16th July 2011, 14:43
» by smiffy
Times 24903 3 bellandme 16th July 2011, 14:17
» by bellandme
TLS 887 1 bunty 16th July 2011, 14:10
» by terry as was
Herald Sports 6 di mary 16th July 2011, 13:02
» by jaybee
DT 26604 18 anag&lit 16th July 2011, 13:00
» by bernie
DT26,606 - Last one! 3 royal windsor 16th July 2011, 12:56
» by royal windsor
Swansea Post Cryptic 5 colin (swansea jack) 16th July 2011, 12:51
» by colin (swansea jack)
times2 5517 4 kathy 16th July 2011, 12:45
» by kathy
Daily Record Saturday 4 clell 16th July 2011, 12:31
» by rml
i paper 133 2 mikey 16th July 2011, 12:03
» by mikey
times 24903 6 paulq 16th July 2011, 11:39
» by paulq
i cryptic 133 4 bensnan 16th July 2011, 11:33
» by msevp
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