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DTel 26606 Top right 8 ashley 16th July 2011, 20:54
» by ashley
934 cryptic 6 francis 16th July 2011, 20:16
» by francis
£500 x word daily record 8 beth 16th July 2011, 20:15
» by trevor
Jumbo 934 9 cmi 16th July 2011, 19:48
» by jazzgirl
Cryptic clues 3 aurion 16th July 2011, 19:44
» by aurion
times 2 no 934 3 icwalters 16th July 2011, 19:31
» by icwalters
Times2 934 9 down 3 sheila 16th July 2011, 18:49
» by sheila
Times 24903 20ac 4 theambler 16th July 2011, 18:46
» by mitchib
Jumbo Times 2 934 13 true babs 16th July 2011, 18:36
» by true babs
Times 24903 4 mitchib 16th July 2011, 18:26
» by mitchib
Times Jumbo 934, Times2 Clues 4 mike012321 16th July 2011, 18:19
» by mike012321
times 2 5517 2 eileen 16th July 2011, 18:02
» by tonyw
Times 2 5517 2 eileen 16th July 2011, 17:36
» by jazzgirl
times jumbo cryptic 934 4 iain 16th July 2011, 17:22
» by iain
Times jumbo cryptic 934 3 somesoldiers 16th July 2011, 17:13
» by bullfrog
sandpiper answer 0 ulysses 16th July 2011, 17:11
» by ulysses
gaurdian prize cryptic 10 thomas 16th July 2011, 16:34
» by the caretaker
RT 28 4 maisie 16th July 2011, 16:05
» by maisie
times 2 no 934 2 jodac 16th July 2011, 15:58
» by jodac
Times Jumbo Cryptic 934 9 chips 16th July 2011, 15:47
» by chips
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