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times cryptic 2 tommy 14th July 2011, 01:35
» by tommy
colour quiz 28 mags1 14th July 2011, 01:07
» by karen
cryptic help please 13 terry as is 14th July 2011, 00:02
» by dysenterry
what happened to martyn? 4 terry as is 13th July 2011, 22:50
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
I won £20 crossword competition. 14 knittingnanna 13th July 2011, 22:20
» by knittingnanna
a personal thank you from Nytram 6 nytram 13th July 2011, 21:56
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Times 933. 3 ron 13th July 2011, 21:34
» by ron
Guardian 25373 7 mags 13th July 2011, 21:19
» by mags
Times 933. Last one. 4 ron 13th July 2011, 21:08
» by ron
Prize Telegraph 142 4D 1 geoff marbella 13th July 2011, 21:02
» by terry as was
Times. 933. 6 ron 13th July 2011, 20:54
» by ron
message for pastille 13 nytram 13th July 2011, 20:06
» by megan
Times 933. 6 ron 13th July 2011, 19:37
» by ron
Kisser or Licker? 14 qwerty55 13th July 2011, 19:03
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Azed 2041 16 one down 13th July 2011, 18:11
» by aristophanes
Scrabble on line 5 billy 13th July 2011, 17:56
» by tonyw
message for trigger 5 nytram 13th July 2011, 17:19
» by sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)
Indoor & outdoor activities 8 bigfoot 13th July 2011, 17:10
» by terry as was
daily mail 1 mjr 13th July 2011, 17:09
» by terry as was
m.o.s. 36 down 4 lewjo 13th July 2011, 16:53
» by lewjo
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