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Sir Lancelot MOS 2 jayneygibb 17th July 2011, 12:37
» by davec
The Week 757 5 ruth 17th July 2011, 12:36
» by samak
Jumbo times 2 sat 16th July 11 jilly potter 17th July 2011, 12:35
» by sudokulover
Sunday Herald prize crossie 5 dunderheid 17th July 2011, 12:06
» by samak
934 cryptic again!! 4 andyboss 17th July 2011, 11:59
» by andyboss
934 cryptic 2 andyboss 17th July 2011, 11:54
» by andyboss
Radio Times 29 21 navigator 17th July 2011, 11:46
» by jossyp
times 934 cryptic jumbo 2 mrp 17th July 2011, 11:40
» by dandelion
934 cryptic 6 francis 17th July 2011, 11:38
» by mariot
Times Jumbo Cryptic 934 3 bellandme 17th July 2011, 11:21
» by bellandme
Scotland on Sunday - Quick Crossword 3 john 17th July 2011, 11:16
» by john
Observer 5 lavender 17th July 2011, 10:39
» by lavender
Times 934 5 bunty 17th July 2011, 10:31
» by bunty
That Skeleton!! 3 julie 17th July 2011, 10:09
» by dandelion
Guardian 25,376 2 tryinghard 17th July 2011, 10:05
» by chips
Times 2 Jumbo 934 3 morgana 17th July 2011, 10:02
» by morgana
Times 934 Cryptic 10 abi 17th July 2011, 09:56
» by abi
ST 4442 2 angie q 17th July 2011, 09:52
» by angie q
Times 934 4 stuck 17th July 2011, 09:18
» by stuck
skeleton again 2 alanjames 17th July 2011, 09:17
» by alanjames
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